Osama bin Laden and Colin Kaepernick

Tell me what the difference is.
The news article I read was comparing Colin Kaepernick to Mohammed Ali. The article painted a favorable portrayal of both aforementioned people. Basically it was saying that Mohammed Ali had to pay the price socially for standing up for what he believed. He was banned from boxing for a while and had to pay a fine. The article was comparing Kaepernick's ignorant, childish, disrespectful antics to Mohammed Ali's and stated that if you loved Ali then you shouldn't criticize Kaepernick.
Well, guess what? Both Mohammad Ali and Colin Kaepernick are selfish yellow bellied cowards. Neither of them deserves any respect from anybody. Of course the media will paint them as heroes, but they are far from it. They're disrespectful, disgusting, ignorant, selfish cowards.
I know all the arguments -- they are all pathetically ridiculous. Of course people have their agency and can do whatever they want. But there are always consequences to your choices. If you choose to dodge the draft and cowardly refused to fight for your country -- there are consequences. We have laws. If you don't obey the laws, you suffer the consequence. You go to jail. You pay fines. Etc.
Mohammad Ali was a selfish, panseric, pathetic coward. Anyone who doesn't believe that is hoodwinked and brainwashed by the media. Kind of ironic that he was a fighter yet refused to fight for his country. That's the epitome of cowardice and hypocrisy. Obviously Muslims have no problem fighting and killing innocent people. Does September 11, 2001 ring a bell?
I can see where the author of the article would compare Muhammad Ali to Kaepernick -- in that they are both cowards and both ignorant idiots. But making them out to be some kind of social heroes is beyond ridiculous and disgusting.
I want to quote from Rush Limbaugh because I think he says it better than I can.
"Now, I want to issue a -- I don't know what you call this, a message. I just want to say something to you players of the National Football League. The American people love your sport. The American people respect you who have the unique human ability to play it at the level you play it. But the American people are not going to sit by idly and watch the stage of the National Football League stolen and used for personal political purposes."
"You players in the NFL, you can go ahead and try to continue stealing the stage of the NFL if you want. You can take the example of Kaepernick and you can try to get some news coverage, you can draw attention to yourself, but you run the risk of obliterating the stage on which you perform that earns you your living and gives you the opportunity to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. You better be careful in what and how you express your thoughts on this country, the greatest place in the history of mankind. And the residents of this country are among the luckiest in the history of all humanity. The National Football League is on TV. It can easily be turned off. The National Football League is sponsored by [stuff] that can easily be not purchased. Not that hard. Just turn it off." -- Rush Limbaugh, August 30, 2016This is a free country. The Constitution of The United States of America, established by God, guarantees in the First Amendment, the freedom of speech. People can express their opinions without oppression of the government. But recognize, that what you say can very much affect the rest of your life. Many careers have been ruined by what people have said. Just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean that there won't be consequences. Every choice has a consequence. Whether good or bad, big or small.
And remember, who gave you that right? People who weren't cowards and weren't afraid to fight for their country and for their rights. Many good Americans have died to preserve our freedoms. And you, Colin Kaepernick and Mohammed Ali, spit on their graves, by your actions. You disgust me.
My own father and grandfathers and other ancestors have fought valiantly and selflessly for this country to preserve our freedoms. I don't take kindly to people disrespecting my family or my country. Especially ignorant, panseric, selfish cowards like Kaepernick and Ali. You are disgusting slime who I am ashamed to call fellow citizens of this, the greatest nation in the history of mankind.
That's my two cents.
Those who don't respect this country are welcome to leave.
ReplyDeleteKapernick claims he wants "equality" for all in this country-- yet he persecutes our law enforcement. He spits in the face of the men and women who have sacrificed and served this country. He has actually been fined in the past for his inappropriate language and use of racial slurs on the field. The latest report is that he has been wearing a pair of socks to pratices that picture a pig wearing a cop hat and badge. It is a disgrace. He wants to talk the talk and act like he's so concerned about equality for all- but he doesn't walk the walk.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who truly wants to better this country, does not do it at the expense of insulting those who have served this country. My grandfathers and father have suffered more in war than Kapernick's "oppressed" have experienced in this land of the free. And the whole BLM garbage is based on a lie to begin with. It didn't happen the way the media portrayed it. That was proven. I have found that most people who are cop haters are people who like to break the laws of the land, and then blame the cops when they get busted.
I have no respect for any American who refuses to stand and respect our flag, country, and those who sacrificed for our freedoms. Like was said above, if you don't like it here in the USA, you are welcome to leave.