Thursday, April 27, 2017

Mission Letters Home -- 2

Second letter home from the mission field dated February 9, 1992

 It's nice to know my confidence level never waned. :-) One quality I have never lacked in is confidence.  :-) "Well you know it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way, I can't wait to look in the mirror 'cause I get better looking each day...."  I used to sing that to my companions.  :-)
 Talk about baptism by fire.  My first full day in the mission field I taught a fifth and sixth discussion, planned a baptism and then two days later I'm giving the benediction in Sacrament meeting and giving talks.  I also gave a talk at the baptism.  Oh the life of a missionary.  :-)

Letter on my first full preparation day in the mission field.  February 11, 1992
It's funny that I addressed the dogs also. this letter got cut off in the scanning but most letters were written while doing laundry.  :-)

February 19, 1992
Gotta love Florida.  Needing cooler clothing in the middle of February. And talking about lizards. :-)
 Of course with my luck I was chosen to give a talk at my first zone conference. Apparently I have suppressed that memory into my subconscious.  I have no recollection of it.  :-)

Some pictures I included with this letter home.  These are obviously from the MTC. But back in those days you actually had to get film developed, So it usually took a couple weeks before you got your pictures.
 With my MTC district in front of the Missionary Training Center sign.  January 1992
 Sister Parent, Sister Paulson, and Sister Stone.  January 1992
 With my district in front of the Provo Temple.  January 1992
 Sister Paulson and Sister Stone in our MTC dorm room. Apparently I really liked this dress.  I'm wearing it in every picture so far.  :-)  It does look pretty good on me.  :-)  January 1992.
 The obligatory MTC picture.  Pointing to my mission on the big map.  January 1992
Sister Stone (me) with Dad at the Salt Lake City airport waiting to board the plane to Tampa Florida!  February 5, 1992


  1. Speaking at your first Sacrament Mtg. in the mission field, and your first Zone Conference. No worries, you'll get over it. :) Funny that you say you must have suppressed that memory. Ha!
    I remember that airport day like it was yesterday!

  2. My first Missionary, and it didn't get any easier to say good-bye to the others that followed. I was and still are very proud of each of my missionaries. Also very proud of the one that didn't go on a mission. Let's face it, I'm just one proud Papa.
