Friday, June 22, 2018

Fake News

I'm wise enough to avoid poisoning my mind with the fake news fabricated by the mainstream media (Democrat party).  In fact I haven't watched any television news since 2012.  I get my news from more reliable sources.

I've become aware that the newest ploy by the Democratic Party (MSM) to tarnish President Trump is this whole separation of families at the borders.  Okay just to get a few facts straight -- these people are criminals trying to enter our country illegally.  And the policy in place which separates children from their criminal illegal alien parents has been in place since 1997.  Clinton, Bush and Obama have all enforced this law. I've also learned that most of the pictures the mainstream media (Democrat party) are using to further their agenda are from Obama era detainees.

I wasn't going to blog about this but I read something in American this morning that I decided I should share. Because obviously the Democrat party (MSM) will not share this willingly. The following quote from American reveals the truth about the photo of the toddler girl bawling her neck off that you've probably all drawn the wrong conclusion from:

"Best of all in this feeding frenzy, there were the photos: The crying toddler, crying as toddlers do, wildly, for all the universe to hear them. The big one on that front was the one shot by Getty Images photographer John Moore, showing a one-year old crying in front of Border Patrol agents, as her mother was apprehended for illegal entry and searched for weapons or drugs by the lawmen. The photo was a highly edited one, showing only the huge legs of the neutrally clad, utterly depersonalized Border Patrol officers, and the crying one-year-old, Yanela Sanchez, clad in a brand new bright pink toddler jacket and bright pink, brand new pink sneakers."...
"Now the facts come out, and pretty quickly, too. Someone tracked these people down and asked them about it, and now we learn the real story: 
"Turns out the kid was never separated from her mother, not once. The girl's father, Denis Javier Varela Hernandez, was located by the always-on-the-job Daily Mail, and told a very different story from what the press had been reporting. 
"One, the kid wasn't separated. 
"Two, family separation indeed occur, from the Honduran illegal immigrant's side. The girl's mother had actually abandoned three other children and her father, to take the one-year-old toddler, through the hands of smugglers, to the U.S. illegally, without the father's permission. She in fact didn't tell anyone. 
"Three, this was no poverty story: The kid's expensive shoes and jacket offered a hint of that in the photo, but now it turns out the mother apparently lived a very wealthy life, her spouse or babydaddy a sea captain over in Puerto Cortes. She had a spare $6,000 handy to pay a human smuggler for the crossing, according to the father. 
"Oh, and she's been deported before, in 2013, a multiple entry case with little regard for U.S. law, as so many of them are. 
"And instead of inhuman treatment, the father says she's comfortable and well-cared for by Americans over in McAllen, Texas. 
"What's more, she was not coming up here under a credible fear of persecution, as has been reported from the asylum-promoting crowd, but here to make money, as the child's dad said, dead set on taking a job from an American."
-- Monica Showalter, June 22, 2018, American, Fake news: Crying migrant child in photo never separated from her mother
So there's the real story.  I don't know why people can't understand that illegal aliens are criminals.  How many criminals do you know who get to keep their families with them in prison?  Is that really better for the kids?  My understanding is that the first time someone tries to cross into this country illegally is a misdemeanor.  The second time is a felony.  Felons go to prison.  The mainstream media (Democratic Party) keeps referring to these illegal aliens as immigrants.  They are not immigrants.  Immigrants come here legally.  They are illegal aliens breaking the laws of our country. They are criminals.

I can understand people wanting a better life.  But do it legally.  And all this nonsense about families being separated by mean border patrol agents because of President Trump's immigration policy is just a bunch of malarkey.  It's not his policy.  The angry Liberal Democrat mainstream media is just using another ploy to try to get rid of President Trump.  That has been their goal since they lost the election to him. They are still very angry about that.  In fact, liberals are always angry.  Just look at Peter Fonda or Kathy Griffin.  They can't speak without profanely spewing anger and hatred.  Very sad.

Why would the MSM (Democratic Party) manufacture a false crisis that they report as news?  Well, in this case it is to make President Trump look bad in an effort to get rid of him.  And in an effort to drum up more Democratic voters they are always trying to let as many illegal aliens into this country as possible.  So they create this crisis in the media in hopes of the government granting all of the illegal aliens asylum. They need voters and they want to destroy America.  Kill two birds with one stone I guess.

A month or two ago the MSM (Democratic Party) agenda was gun control.  With camera Hogg -- as Rush Limbaugh calls him -- as their poster child.  Now they've turned their agenda to focusing on immigration.  And their poster child is a bawling toddler brought here by her illegal alien mother.  I wonder what will be next?  One thing's for certain, the mainstream media (Democratic Party) will come up with another manufactured crisis to present as news to further their agenda.

Don't believe everything you see or hear on TV or in any of the mainstream media.  In fact, don't believe any of it.  President Trump is right, it's all fake.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!
    At least you are doing your part to educate people on reality.
    What part of ILLEGAL don't people understand?!
    There is a legal way to immigrate to this country. I know many who have done it.
    The media is ridiculous.
