Friday, June 8, 2018

Increasing Suicide Rates

I just read an interesting article about the dramatic increase in suicides over the past few years.  The CDC just recently published some statistics about suicide.  Here are a few of the more interesting statistics published by the CDC:

45,000 people committed suicide in the United States in 2016.  That is the size of many cities in the United States.  It's about the same amount of people that live in Puyallup.

54% of people who died by suicide did not have a known mental health condition. More than half of all suicides were committed by people who were not mentally ill.

Suicide rates went up more than 30% in more than half of the states since 1999. In some states, the rate increase was much higher than 30%.  A few were lower than 30%.  But in only one state did the rate decrease, and that was by only 1% in Nevada.

The CDC report included some contributing factors as to why people committed suicide.  The majority (42%) were because of relationship problems.  Next was a past or upcoming crisis (29%).  Closely following that was substance abuse (28%). Then physical health problems (22%), financial/job problems (16%), criminal legal problems (9%), and loss of housing (4%).

Interestingly a week or two ago I just read an article written by a psychologist/therapist.  Just going off memory here but the article stated that since 2012 (when smart phones came into widespread use) that suicide rates have skyrocketed.  He claimed it was not a coincidence.  There was a direct correlation between increased use of smart phones -- especially among teenagers and even younger kids -- and the jump in suicide rates.  The psychologist reported that social media and increased access to pornography and other vices are to blame.

This correlation makes complete sense and helps corroborate the CDC's findings.

It's a sad world we live in when people can't live without their smart phones yet those are the very things that make their lives miserable.  Interestingly everyone I've talked to or heard about who has either fasted from social media or gotten rid of it altogether all say the same thing.  The key word they use is freeing.  They feel like their life is freer because they are not tethered like a ball and chain to social media/smart phones.  Isn't that interesting?  People easily become addicted to social media and other aspects of smart phone use.  It rules their lives.  They become slaves to the very thing that they think makes their life easier or more convenient.  It's interesting they use the word free or freedom when talking about getting away from social media and smartphones.

It's easy to see the correlation between people basing their entire self-worth on how many "likes" or views or followers they have on social media and increasing suicide rates.  Especially with youth who don't have fully developed brains yet.  When your self-worth is based on fake, you don't understand reality. When your self-worth is based on the knowledge that you are a child of God and He love you unconditionally, it brings you back to reality and you don't care so much about how many people "like" you on social media. Also, when you're living right you feel better about yourself.  Self worth and righteous living are directly correlated.

The number one reason people commit suicide is because of relationship problems.  This is a big problem not only because of fake relationships on social media but a big factor is divorce.  Specifically children of divorce.  When children see their parents choosing someone else or something else over them, it's devastating.  The parents choosing the floozy/floozer or selfish free lifestyle will deny it but their selfishness is a big huge factor in many children choosing suicide.  Being abandoned by a parent is psychologically devastating.  This is why many children of divorce choose drugs and alcohol to numb their pain.  But it's a slippery slope.  The top three reasons people commit suicide -- relationship trouble, crises, and substance abuse.  All three are easily related to children of divorce.

Couple family problems and abandonment issues with the added pressures of social media stresses such as bullying, pornography, peer pressure and just plain fake relationships and you can see how easily people,  especially young people, get overwhelmed and turn to suicide to escape.

It's a difficult world we live in.  This is why having the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so important.  It gives people hope.  It gives people structure in their lives.  It gives people happiness in their lives.  It helps keep people grounded in reality and concerned with what's really important in life.  It basically gives people a reason to live.  When you know who you are, why you're here, and where you're going, life makes more sense.  Life is more easily navigable.  Sure, no one is immune from struggles.  We all face plenty of hardships and trials in our lives.  But having the Gospel of Jesus Christ in your life, believing it, living it, makes dealing with hardships and trials easier.

I believe that's another reason why suicide rates continue to increase.  More and more people are turning away from religion and God. That's not a coincidence.  When people lose hope, what is there to live for?

Just today I heard of another celebrity suicide.  There was one yesterday or the day before also.  It seems like celebrity suicides are increasing even faster than are suicide rates in the general population.  At least we hear about them all the time.  Why are these celebrities, who seem to have it all, so disgruntled and unhappy with their lives that they take their own lives?  I can tell you why.  Because they are not living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They are living contrary to God's commandments.  And they are miserable.  Only in living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true happiness found.

It's extremely sad news to hear how rapidly the suicide rates are increasing in this country.  But, unfortunately, with the destruction of nuclear families, the decline of morality, the turning away from God and religion, and increased use of social media and smart phones, it makes total sense.

That's my two cents.

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