Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Delight In So Much Abomination

Nothing shocks me anymore.  This world is in a downward spiral.  But I still get sickened and saddened by some of the things I hear that are happening.

Most things that are immoral are now considered normal behaviors.  For example, the law of chastity.  It is now considered normal and even expected by society to break the law of chastity.  Fornication, promiscuity, cohabitation, pornography and even adultery are considered normal behaviors. And if you don't participate in breaking the law of chastity, society looks on you as abnormal. There must be something wrong with you.

Even sexual deviancies such as homosexuality, bisexuality, same-sex marriage, and transgenderism are now considered normal and legal.  I never thought I would see the day that I would be watching Wheel of Fortune and Pat Sajak would ask the contestant who he had supporting him in the audience and the young man would say his husband.  It made my stomach churn.  I never would have dreamed that same-sex marriage would be legal in this country.  And people don't think anything of it.  It used to be something they would hide and be ashamed of. Now it is flaunted and glorified.  Even extreme deviancies such as pedophilia and bestiality, which I hope are still taboo to most people, are gradually becoming more acceptable in society.

This world is becoming increasingly evil as people embrace Satan's philosophies.

Murder is still the one immoral behavior which I thought was universally taboo.  But even murder, cold blooded first-degree murder, is now not only accepted but applauded in the state of New York.

I will now quote from Rush Limbaugh.com:
"Ready for this? “By a vote of 38-24, abortion was voted on in the New York Senate to be added to the New York Constitution as a constitutional right.” But wait. We’re just getting started. The New York State Senate yesterday voted 38-24 “to allow nonphysicians to perform abortions.” The New York State Senate voted yesterday 38-24 “to allow abortion through the third trimester.”
"But the pure evil is in the last part of the bill. The New York State Senate voted 38-24 yesterday “to repeal protections for babies that survive abortions.” The abortion business in New York has just been voted on as constitutional by the New York State Senate.  
"... they are giving standing ovations in the New York state Senate chamber to the killing of children! Now they are acknowledging that that’s what’s happening, and they’re applauding it! And they’re codifying it and making it constitutional in New York. They applaud it. There was a standing O for the provision that if an attempted abortion fails, you can go ahead and finish the job after birth. 
"They stood up, standing O. Do you realize this is a striking change in approach? For the longest time there wasn’t a baby involved, there wasn’t a human being. It was just a woman’s right to choose. It was just civil rights, human rights. It was an illness. It was an unviable tissue mass. It was a potential psychological problem. To get away with it, to promote it, to make sure that there were as many abortions as possible, they had to take the human element out of it — and they did. 
"Now they’re making no effort whatsoever to hide what’s happening. They are openly celebrating what’s happening. That’s my question. Why? What in the world, folks? 
"So abortion now is an approved method of killing, whereas it used to just be about “a woman’s right to choose,” a civil rights issue. Somebody want to tell me that they’re going in the right direction? Somebody want to try to tell me that they are “progressives” and that they are furthering the enlightenment of human existence? What kind of people are these? 
"You know, it’s actually uncanny. Everything Kermit Gosnell was convicted of murder for doing has now been legalized in New York. Gosnell was convicted. They did this movie about this guy, a Nick Searcy movie. He was convicted of killing infants that had already been born, now legal in New York. He was convicted of allowing untrained and unlicensed nonmedical people to perform abortions. That’s now legal in New York.
"You can abort up to the due date! But now, that’s not even necessary. You can abort afterwards. So why even mess with this? Why even mess with the abortion aspect of this? Kermit Gosnell always maintained that he was innocent, that he was ahead of his time, and would someday be exonerated — and New York just did it. 
"But killing a baby in New York after it survives an abortion is legal — and was applauded in a standing ovation in the New York State Senate chamber. 
"They were celebrating.
"The ability to go ahead and kill a child that survives an abortion gets a standing ovation.
"This is called the Reproductive Health Act. It’s a bill that “expands abortion access” and codifies the right to abortion in the New York Constitution. But here are the elements of this. Abortion is added to the New York Constitution. Nonphysicians are allowed to commit abortions, to perform them.
"Nondoctors? Whatever happened to the back-alley abortions with the coat hangers being objectionable? Whatever happened to that? Allow abortion through the third trimester and then, Governor Cuomo, up to your due date! See, if there’s no doctor involved, if you don’t have to have a doctor… I thought all this was about protecting the life of the mother. 
"For example, the back-alley abortions, the coat hangers. “No, we can’t have that! That’s why we need to legalize abortion. Too many women are being harmed or hurt and so forth.” It was all about protecting the life of the mother, but it isn’t about that anymore, folks. This is about taking the life of a child. That’s all this is. 
"If the mother doesn’t want it and it’s born, you can still now, in New York, get rid of it it. They just repealed protections for surviving babies. This is what Obama voted for as a state senator in Illinois! If the baby survived abortion, you could go ahead and…
"For those of you who think this is easy for me to talk about because it’s scoring political points, you’re as wrong as you can be. But I don’t… What else do you call it? A baby survives an abortion and you can still terminate the baby. You can still kill it. If that was the intention in Illinois — and Obama voted for that, and then tried to hide and run away from that all during his presidential campaign. They just made that legal in New York. They have repealed any protections for babies that survive abortion under the premise nobody wanted that baby.
“New York City’s One World Trade Center’s spire was lit pink to celebrate the passing of a law that legalizes abortion for any reason up to birth. The law also allows nondoctors to perform abortions and repeals a legislation recognizing unborn babies over 24 weeks as potential homicide victims. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ... signed the bill … before ordering that the spire of One World Trade Center, as well as bridges and buildings in the state capital of Albany be lit pink in celebration.
“‘In the face of a federal government intent on rolling back Roe v. Wade and women’s reproductive rights, I promised that we would enact this critical legislation within the first 30 days of the new session — and we got it done,’ Cuomo said.” So they’re celebrating. They’re celebrating. Anybody can do abortions now up to the due date. If the child survives, you can still finish the abortion — and they’re celebrating this with standing ovations."  -- Rush Limbaugh.com, January 24, 2019
I know I said nothing shocks me anymore.  But the legalization of infanticide -- first degree murder of babies -- and then celebrating passing a law to murder babies?  That literally makes me sick to my stomach.

Mormon's words to his son Moroni immediately echo in my mind.

Moroni 9:11-15
11 O my beloved son, how can a people like this, that are without civilization—
12 (And only a few years have passed away, and they were a civil and a delightsome people)
13 But O my son, how can a people like this, whose delight is in so much abomination—
14 How can we expect that God will stay his hand in judgment against us?
15 Behold, my heart cries: Wo unto this people. Come out in judgment, O God, and hide their sins, and wickedness, and abominations from before thy face!
Like Mormon, my heart also cries at such depravity.  How could anybody be so deranged?  Let alone the majority of state senators in New York?  How can anybody "delight in so much abomination"?  They pass a law to kill babies then celebrate by lighting up the city in pink?  Absolutely disgusting.

This is a textbook illustration of calling evil good. This is what the prophet Isaiah warned us about.

Isaiah 5:20
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
The Book of Mormon warns us of this very thing.

 Mosiah 29:26-27
26 Now it is not common that the voice of the people desireth anything contrary to that which is right; but it is common for the lesser part of the people to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe and make it your law—to do your business by the voice of the people.
27 And if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land.
From the beginning of time there have always been those who choose evil over good.  They are usually in the minority. Mosiah prophesied that when the majority of people choose iniquity -- choose evil over good -- then the judgments of God are inflicted and great destruction ensues. 

Legalizing cold-blooded murder and then celebrating it certainly qualifies as choosing iniquity -- choosing evil over good.

Let this be a warning to everybody that the Lord will soon come and cleanse the earth of iniquity.  This is just another sign that it will be sooner rather than later.  Get your life in order ASAP, if it isn't already.  There is no time to lollygag.  If you do, it may be too late.  If your life is in order and you are trying to follow our Savior and live His Gospel, then there's no need to fear.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. The evil abounding in this world is disgusting and sickening. It is absolutely heartbreaking that anyone would cheer and celebrate the "legalization" of murder. No "law of the land" will ever trump the laws of God. I look forward to the day the Savior comes to cleanse the earth from all iniquity! The sooner the better!!! Justice WILL be served.
