Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Write Your Representatives

Vice President Pence was on Rush Limbaugh today.  I just read part of the transcript.  Vice President Pence asked us to please write or call our congressmen and senators to ask them to support President Trump in his efforts to secure our southern border.

Here is the letter I sent.  I am also sending it to my two Senators.
Dear Congresswoman Schrier,
Since you represent me, I would like to ask you to please support our president in his efforts to secure our southern border.  This is a very important matter.  I am all for legal immigration.  There is a right way to do it.  Follow the law.  Our country is being invaded by illegal aliens by the thousands every day.  Bringing drugs, gangs, and sex trafficking to name a few of the threats to our nation.  This is unacceptable.
Please support President Trump in building a wall to secure our southern border.  And also please vote to fund border security.
Thank you,
Dr. Tammy Stone
This literally took me less than a minute to compose.  A quick Internet search will link you to your congressman and senators.  It's very easy.  This is a very important matter.  Please put forth the effort to send a quick note to them.  You can even copy mine or paraphrase it if you wish.

That's my two cents.


  1. Good job. Yep, and we all know the message we'll get in return (at least in this state, considering we've written many letters and always get the same response). At least you're speaking up! That's what needs to happen.

  2. "Do it, it's done." I told them too.
