Sunday, June 9, 2019

Choose to Believe

"The decision to believe is the most important choice we ever make."

-- Elder L. Whitney Clayton Of the Presidency of the Seventy

We make many choices in life, everyday.  Some big, some small.  Some important, some not.  In fact, choice is central to God's plan of happiness.  Choice is so important that our agency is, in part, why there was a war in heaven.

A major part of our mortal journey here on earth is making choices.  How we exercise our agency will determine our final destination in the eternities.  President Monson said it very concisely, "Decisions determine destiny."

So for Elder Clayton to say that the most important choice we ever make is the decision to believe, is not insignificant.

In fact, our choice to believe is what got us here, on Earth with a mortal body.  Everybody here that's ever been born chose to follow Christ in our pre-mortal existence.

Unfortunately, many of our fellow brothers and sisters here on Earth have chosen not to believe and have chosen to turn away from following Christ.  It is very tragic.  But thankfully, because of Christ's atonement, those who have chosen to turn away, can also choose to believe again.

It is my hope and prayer that we will all make the right decision when it comes to the most important choice we will ever make, and choose to believe.

That's my two cents.

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