Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

I don't remember if I've told this story on my blog or not.  If so, I guess you will hear it again.

Several years ago on Valentine's Day a lady from our ward came to bring us some Valentine's Day goodies.  I think she was a youth leader and for their activity, the youth made cookies to take to various families in the ward.  I guess we were lucky enough to be chosen as one of the recipients.

So it was this particular Sister's assignment to deliver the cookies.  As Dad opened the door after she rang the doorbell, he greeted her warmly -- as he always did to everybody -- and proclaimed enthusiastically, "Happy Thanksgiving!".  It was hilarious.  She was a good sport and, after being taken aback for a second, returned the salutation with her own enthusiastic "Happy Thanksgiving!".

It was a classic Dad moment.  It was hilariously funny.  Perhaps you had to be there to appreciate the humor.  I was, and I do.

So, since today is Valentine's Day -- wish everybody you know a Happy Thanksgiving.  :-)  That's what Dad would do.

That's my two cents.

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