Thursday, February 6, 2020

Romney the RINO

Mitt Romney is a disgrace.  A disgrace to our religion.  A disgrace to the Republican Party.  A disgrace to our country.  A  disgrace to the human race.

Mitt Romney was the only Republican to vote to convict President Trump on impeachment charges.  First and foremost President Trump committed no impeachable offense.  The Democrats drummed up false charges against President Trump because they can't stand to see him making America great again.  So sad that they are so miserable.  Secondly, this is akin to scoring a touchdown for the opposing team on purpose. He has deceived his voters by claiming to be Republican then going against everything the Republican Party stands for, thereby not representing his constituents.

But what really irks me the most is that Mitt Romney used his religion as his excuse.  Claiming to be a deeply religious man.  Or something like that.  I'm too sick to go look up the quotes.  Just going off memory from yesterday.  Well, I know many "deeply religious" people who do not live their religion. In fact, I know "deeply religious" people who are an embarrassment to their faith.  Such is Mitt Romney.  I am embarrassed by his actions because we share the same religion.

Claiming allegiance to God by doing something so heinous is blasphemous.

I understand that Mitt Romney is a big pansy with no spine who has obviously been deceived by the dark side.  But to use religion as a crutch, as President Trump said, is despicable.  Mitt Romney is now on the same level as the Lafferty brothers.

Not only has he deceived and betrayed all those who voted for him, but he has also blasphemed God.

Mitt Romney is an embarrassment and a disgrace.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. I've questioned his character years ago when he was asked about the Broadway production, Book of Mormon the Musical, which mocks the Church and everything sacred. He said he was looking forward to seeing it. Anyone who thinks it's okay to make a mockery of God, sacred things, and the Church is definitely not a person of integrity in my book. Obviously he is a bit desensitized and not able to decipher truth anymore. He chose to convict with ZERO evidence on false accusations and lies against another person. WRONG!!! "We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law." (Article of Faith #12) Guess he forgot that part about obeying, honoring and sustaining the law.
