Thursday, February 20, 2020

Eagles, Parrots, Doves, Owls

I read a conservative website called American Thinker.  I don't read all the articles but usually glance the headlines daily.  Today there was an interesting article about personality characteristics and winning presidential elections.  Here is a link to the article if you want to check it out.

Here is a snippet from the article which I found fascinating:
"Eighty-four years of electoral history show that Trump's victory was not at all surprising.  In fact, it was entirely predictable. 
In our forthcoming book, Personality Wins: Who Will Take the White House and How We Know, we show that personality has determined the winner of the last twenty-two U.S. presidential elections, and it will decide who wins in 2020.
Policy, platform, and ideology just don't seem to matter.  Ever since the rise of radio, followed by TV and social media, undecided voters have been drawn to the bigger personality.
There are many systems for categorizing personalities.  Most involve a smorgasbord of letters that no one can remember.  Let's use a system that is easy to apply to presidential politics. All you need to remember is four birds: Eagle, Parrot, Dove, and Owl.  In brief:
Eagles are confident, assertive, blunt, and results-oriented.
Parrots are positive, charismatic, playful, and inspiring.
Doves are empathetic, collaborative, caring, and diplomatic.
Owls are analytical, detail-oriented, inquisitive, and tactical.
Since 1932, the energetic, bigger personalities of Eagles and Parrots have beaten the more reserved, soft-spoken Doves and Owls in all but one presidential election (Richard Nixon is the exception you can read about in our book).  Doves and Owls have won only when they've gone up against other Doves and Owls.  No Eagle has lost to a Parrot, but we think it could happen. 
Trump is an extreme Eagle." (, February 20, 2020, Can Any Democrat Beat Trump? Personality and History Say Maybe, Merrick Rosenberg and Richard Ellis)
Of course, when I read this I immediately tried to figure out which bird I am.  I would definitely classify myself as an Eagle.  I'm certainly confident and blunt.  I am also analytical so I might have some Owl in me.  But I think I'm mostly Eagle.  What do you think?

How would you classify yourself -- Eagle, Parrot, Dove, Owl?  Leave me a comment and let me know.

I guess I have more in common with President Trump than I thought.  :-)   Perhaps I should have considered running for President, I might have had a chance.  :-) Ha ha.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. I'm probably a dove- empathetic and caring. I would never want to be President.
