Friday, August 7, 2020

Against God

This is why I like President Trump. He is not afraid to speak the truth and call people out when necessary. Apparently, yesterday, President Trump called out Joe Biden on his hypocrisy.  And the left blew up.  I love it.  The left/liberals/democrats have always been hypocrites.  They claim moral superiority, yet have no morals.  In fact, as President Trump put it, they are against God. Not only do they go against His Commandments and teachings, but they openly criticize and mock Christians.

Speaking of Joe Biden, this is what President Trump had to say yesterday:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: He’s following the radical left agenda. Take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God. He’s against God. He’s against guns.

President Trump was speaking of Joe Biden but you could apply that quote to any leftist/liberal/Democrat.

Here is what Rush Limbaugh had to say today about President Trump's quote:

RUSH: Well, that’s all it took. That blew ’em up. He’s against God. It’s about time somebody called them out on this. ...they are phonies. These are the people that try to keep you from going to church. ...These people on the left do everything they can to impugn, to make fun of, to mock, and to openly criticize Christian religious people. 

It doesn't take much to get the left/media riled up. Rush Limbaugh listed a montage of different media personalities and their reaction to President Trump's quote.  Basically every single one of them stated that Joe Biden is a devout Catholic.  I guess trying to prove that President Trump is wrong.

But claiming that someone is a devout Catholic is much different than someone actually being a devout Catholic.  Just like Mario Cuomo being a devout Catholic, yet going against everything the Catholic Church teaches and stands for, including being pro-abortion. Rush Limbaugh calls him Mario "the pious" Cuomo. 

Harry Reid was on TV claiming that it's wrong to attack Joe Biden on his religion.  Harry said that Joe Biden is a devout Catholic but doesn't wear his religion on his sleeve.  Is that code for "goes against everything his religion teaches"?  If Joe Biden is a devout Catholic, I'd hate to see a "jack Catholic".

Why do these extreme left-wingers get a pass just because they were born into the Catholic Church and claim to be devout Catholics?  They are still liberals with an evil agenda.

The left/liberals/democrats are nothing but hypocrites who claim moral superiority yet prove time and time again by their actions that they are "against God".

President Trump is spot on.  And the left/liberals/Democrats/media know that he is right.  That's why they get so angry and defensive.

That's my two cents.

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