Monday, August 3, 2020

The Death of Sports

Ladies and gentlemen, sports have been commandeered by the left.  It's sad that such a wonderful American tradition is being killed or I should say has been killed by the left/liberal/Democrat mainstream media and their Black Lives Matter arm. Along with pushing their anti-American agenda of disrespecting our flag/national anthem/country by kneeling.

Sports used to be an American pastime.  It was a way to forget about our cares and escape from reality for a few hours.  The very thing people are trying to escape from by watching sports is now being shoved down our throats.  BLM logos being painted on pitchers mounds in Major League Baseball.  NBA painting BLACK LIVES MATTER in all capital letters on the hardwood playing floor.  Everybody including referees, coaches, players kneeling to the national anthem while wearing T-shirts that say Black Lives Matter.  The NFL playing the "black national anthem" before games.  Just to name a few examples that I'm aware of.  It's absolutely out of control!

Americans don't want their sports politicized.  Especially when they are promoting a Marxist organization, BLM, whose goal is to destroy the nuclear family.  Don't believe me? From the black lives matter website what we believe section: "We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure..."

Sounds exactly like Satan's main goal -- to destroy the nuclear family.

As if that wasn't bad enough, here is another quote directly from the black lives matter website's mission statement: "We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise)."

What does pushing a "queer affirming" homosexual agenda have to do with BLM?  What does "disrupting the nuclear family structure" have to do with BLM? Or I should say, what do homosexuality and destroying nuclear families have to do with justice for black people?  Or with promoting black lives?

And why in the world would professional sports leagues promote such a destructive, self-proclaimed Marxist organization?  BLM leaders Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi claimed, "We are trained Marxists.”

It's amazing to me how quickly people are brainwashed.  We went from having a few traitorous kneelers in the NFL, and a few other sports.  To now having EVERYBODY in every major professional sport in the United States being traitorous kneelers while promoting the Democrat party's Marxist agenda through their BLM arm.  It's absolutely disgusting.

I'm not the only one disgusted by it.  Most Americans agree with me. Including Charles Barkley who defended the lone NBA player who did not kneel.  Just a few months ago it was the other way around.  The media was defending the kneelers.  Now they are in the traitorous majority.  Whereas the non-traitorous patriots are the minority.  And it happened so fast.  Very few people have backbones anymore.  They are all just pansy sheep following blindly and doing what they're told by the evil left.  It really is incredible how fast people can be brainwashed.

Like I was saying, most Americans are against the evil, Marxist, Communist, BLM.  Most Americans still love their country and don't like seeing it disrespected.  Especially by hypocrite multimillionaire elite athletes.

Ratings were way down for Major league baseball-- less than 1 million per game.  TV viewership.  And the NBA was not much better.  2 to 3,000,000 per game.  I don't know what their average viewership used to be.  But I know it's much more than it is now.  The American people are fed up.  They don't want to be force-fed Marxism.  As I've said before, Black Lives Matter is not about social justice or stopping racism. They actually promote racism and violence. Along with promoting destruction of families and promoting homosexuality.

Yeah, that's what the American people want to be exposed to and have shoved down their throats when they are trying to escape all the negativity of the world while watching a sporting event.

Rush Limbaugh said it best today while speaking about the low ratings.  "But I’m telling you these ratings crashes have nothing to do with the fact there aren’t any fans in the stadiums. The American people just don’t want to be preached to by a Marxist, pro-communist organization while they are trying to get enthused and excited about the return of major league professional sports. It’s not complicated to understand at all." -- Rush, August 3, 2020

It's a shame that the great American pastime of watching sports has been commandeered by the left and is now reduced to nothing more than political propaganda.

RIP sports.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan Isaac the only NBA player with courage to stand alone against a Marxist movement. I applaud him.
    You won't see me watching or supporting any of the sports that allow this evil agenda. Integrity is more important than entertainment.
