Thursday, August 13, 2020

Bumpy Road

I really love this quote from our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson.  He posted this to social media last week: 

"Dear friends, the road ahead may be bumpy, but our destination is serene and secure. So, fasten your seatbelt, hang on through the bumps, and do what’s right."  -- President Russell M. Nelson, August, 2020

These are crazy times in which we are living. Political and social unrest are rampant.  Everything that's happening is prophesied, though.   Natural disasters, pandemics, political upheavals, wars and rumors of wars, disease and pestilence, etc. -- should all be expected in the coming days, weeks, and years.  And it's only going to get worse. 

That's why President Nelson is warning us of bumpy roads ahead.  How do we protect ourselves in navigating through these bumpy roads?  Do what's right!  Follow the prophet.  Follow the Lord's commandments.  Always strive to do what's right.  If we do, there's no need to fear.

We all must navigate our way through the bumpy road of mortality.  There may not be any way around the bumps.  We must go over them.  But we can make the bumpy course less traumatizing if we fasten our seat belts, hang on tight and do what's right!  If we do, our destination is serene and secure.

That's my two cents.

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