Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Beating a Dead Horse

I know I'm beating a dead horse here.  But it is just unbelievably ridiculous to me that all people are required by state government mandate to wear masks everywhere they go.  It's completely insane!

I'll try to keep this short but I do want to say a few things.  How in the world do government officials expect mask wearing to be effective against COVID-19 or any virus for that matter?  And how does any self-respecting epidemiologist, virologist, and/or microbiologist advise government officials to order such a mandate?  Show me any legitimate study that would indicate any efficacy in stopping the transmission of COVID-19 by requiring all citizens to wear masks.  There are none!

Idiot Inslee and his blue Democrat cohorts are just on a power trip.  Dictatorship.  Communism.  Socialism.

All viruses including SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, will run their course regardless of any human intervention.  Viruses will do what viruses do.  They replicate themselves and spread.  I've said many times there are only two things that will stop viruses from spreading.  1-herd immunity.  2-vaccination (which produces herd immunity).  The only other thing you can do is treat the symptoms when you become infected.  That's it!

All of this social distancing, mask wearing, flatten the curve, etc. nonsense is just that -- nonsense!  There are absolutely zero legitimate studies that prove other wise.  All this nonsense is just somebody's made-up idea of what they think might help.  But obviously they are wrong.  Uneducated and ignorant.  Or perhaps educated but certainly ignorant.

The virus will infect as many people as it can until enough people are immune to stop the spread.  In countries such as New Zealand where there were severe lockdowns and they were touted as success stories, they are now facing the reality of the virus.  Yes, they were able to stop it for a while with severe lockdowns and quarantines.  But as soon as things loosened up, the virus came in.  It's very predictable.  Same thing happened in this country.  When things loosened up, the virus did what viruses do.  Even still, hospitals were not overwhelmed.  The same amount of people will become infected with the virus regardless of extreme measures by government including ridiculous mask wearing mandates.  It's just a matter of time.  Until herd immunity is achieved, the virus will continue its march of devastation and destruction.  Even still, there is a 99% recovery rate.  It is not a death sentence like the Democrats and media would like you to believe.

We live in a world of pathogens that cause disease.  This has been a reality since Adam and Eve walked the earth.  Pathogens are part of our mortal experience here on earth.  We live with them, they occasionally infect us, we recover.  Or some don't.  But that's life.

Never before have I experienced anything like this coronavirus pandemic.  The virus itself is nothing special.  It's your average flulike respiratory virus.  With a mortality rate akin to the seasonal flu.  Perhaps slightly worse.  But certainly not nearly as deadly as some viruses.

It's obvious that the reaction to this coronavirus pandemic is purely political.  A ploy to ruin President Trump.  It's a shame that in the process so many peoples lives have been ruined. Not by the viral pandemic but by the severe government control in response to the pandemic (or so they say).  So many more people have been extremely adversely affected by severe isolation, lack of regular medical care, loss of jobs, financial strain, increased suicides, increased abuses of all kinds, etc.  But Democrats never did care about human life.  And they never will.  It's all about power and control to them.

You may find this interesting.  The surgical infection rate in the United States is 2% to 5%.  That means that 2% - 5% of all surgical wounds become infected.  That's between 1/50 to 1/20 surgeries becoming infected.

Surgeries are performed under the most aseptic conditions possible.  Very strict rules on wearing surgical masks, hair coverings, shoe coverings, scrubs, surgical gown, double glove.  Not to mention the technique that all surgeons and scrub nurses and residents and students and whoever scrubs in must use to wash their hands and forearms.  The operating room is as sterile as possible.  Anybody scrubbed in to the surgery who contaminates any part of the sterile field including themselves, must scrub out and anything contaminated must be replaced.  I know, I've been there.  I was highly trained and scrubbed into many surgeries during my medical school years and residency.

Even in that aseptic, sterile environment with highly trained individuals using aseptic technique -- the infection rate is still 2% to 5%.

And Idiot Inslee and his blue Democrat cohorts think that telling average people who know nothing about aseptic technique to wear masks will stop the spread of infection?  Not gonna happen. If 2% to 5% of surgical wounds become infected in the most sterile environment with highly trained surgical staff using aseptic technique, then certainly average Joe's -- who know nothing about aseptic technique or how pathogens are spread-- wearing masks improperly will not stop a virulent virus.

Honestly, having trained in medicine and studied multiple microbiology courses, I am actually appalled at the doctor's office and the doctors and staff themselves -- who I would think were trained at some point -- in their extreme lack of aseptic technique.  The doctors themselves while talking to me were constantly touching and readjusting their mask on their nose and mouth.  Then touching the computer keyboard, touching a pen and writing things down on paper, touching my personal charts I brought in to show them, all the while never washing their hands.  And this is not an isolated case.  I have been to several doctors since the whole pandemic thing and all of them are the same. Was I the only person in school who paid attention to microbiology lessons?

At the very least, people need to realize that the mask is highly contaminated with concentrated pathogens from your nose and mouth -- just from breathing.  Touching said mask puts all of those concentrated "bugs" onto your hands (we highly trained professionals affectionately call pathogens bugs). Which is even worse than not wearing a mask.  Because one, if you weren't wearing a mask, you would not be touching your face as much.  And two, the concentration of "bugs" is far less without a mask, when you touch your face.

This is just logical.  Any biologist or medical professional should understand this.  But apparently, they don't.  At least not the blue ones who have lost all common sense.

Let's look at the scenario of going to the grocery store.  By government mandate, everyone must wear a mask.  Think of all the concentrated bugs on the masks of average citizens.  I'm sure not very many people actually dispose of or wash their mask very often.  All kinds of pathogens are trapped in those masks.

Going through the grocery store people are constantly adjusting their mask because it's annoying -- thereby concentrating all of the pathogens onto their hands.  Then they touch everything.  They pick up a pickle jar look at it and put it back.  They rummage through all the bacon to find the best one.  Etc.  Then you go by a short time later and pick up the same bottle of pickles to purchase.  Grab a package of bacon.  Etc.  Thereby transferring all of the pathogens/bugs/germs from the previous person onto your hands where you touch your face and infect yourself.

The only thing those masks are doing is covering your coughs and sneezes.  Even then, viruses are so small -- they get through easily.  All a mask does is stop the large droplets.  That's it!  But look at all the other havoc they wreak. And I've read studies that show the micro droplets that get through the mask are actually worse than the large droplets that the mask stops.  So there's that.

Did the number of cases of COVID-19 drop off dramatically after the mask mandate?  No.  As a matter of fact, in most places cases increased.  After lockdown/quarantine was eased up cases naturally increased. From an epidemiological standpoint, this is to be expected.  Wearing masks, especially improperly, will not stop any pathogen transmission. In fact, I would be interested in knowing of any studies done on mask wearing actually increasing infection rates. I think it's highly likely.  Especially with the improper use of masks by everybody!  Although, those studies will be well hidden I am sure.

Normal healthy people should not be wearing masks. Not only is it useless, especially in the average population who doesn't know or understand how pathogen transmission occurs.  But it is also harmful to the mask wearer in terms of blocking the airway and breathing in higher concentrations of CO2 and less oxygen.  My mom is a good case to point this out.  She has a hard enough time getting enough oxygen.  Her oximeter readings are usually in the low to mid 90s.  Should be close to 100.  Wearing a mask her numbers drop into the 80s.  Very dangerous!  Yet they still require her to wear a mask in public.  Especially in doctors offices where they should know better.  But they don't care about her.  All they care about is following the mask mandate at any cost!  Ridiculous!

And let's not forget about how dirty the masks are that most people are wearing.  Innumerable pathogens concentrated and trapped in those masks.  Disgusting!

Surgeons wear masks.  But even they dispose of them as soon as the surgery is over.  And if they do another surgery they won't don a new mask until it's time to scrub in again.  And they would use a brand-new disposable mask each time.

And don't even get me started on wearing masks outdoors.  Or in your car by yourself.  That's just plain stupid.  Or ignorant I should say for those who don't know any better.

How about we use common sense?  How about we do what our mothers taught us for centuries using common courtesy hygiene techniques?  Wash your hands.  Cover coughs and sneezes.  Stay home when sick.  It's very simple.  And it's very effective.  Much more effective than some arbitrarily invented social distancing and wearing mandatory masks.

Let's stop this mask madness with all of the ignorant, ill educated, self-appointed mask police going around shaming people at best and using violence at worst.  I can't wait till this election is over and the Democrats move on from this pandemic dictatorship communist insanity.

I know I've beaten this dead horse till it's skeletonized.  But I've had beyond a gutful of the ridiculous mask requirements and generalized loss of freedom and liberty due to the left using this coronavirus pandemic to further its evil communist, dictatorship, socialist control of the American people.

It's time to fight back and take our freedoms, liberties and lives back!

That's my two cents.

So much for keeping this short!  Ha ha.  :-)


  1. We’re done wearing masks! I’m sick of this bull crap! I took the 2 kids to winco yesterday and said, let’s not wear a mask and see what happens. Guess what? Not one person said anything to us, in fact people were nice to us and an employee even helped me with an avocado! Ha ha! There were two other adults and kids not wearing masks either. So if everyone follows suit, maybe we can get back to normalcy. Juliet

  2. We are done wearing masks I took the kids to Winco yesterday and we didn’t wear any masks and no one said anything to us which was refreshing it and felt like freedom so there was another lady in there that wasn’t wearing a mask and another guy as well and everyone is really nice to us no one said anything to us so let’s not wear masks any more freedom baby
