Tuesday, December 6, 2022

MyHeritage AI Time Machine

MyHeritage is a genealogical website similar to ancestry.com.  I've been a member for years, but don't use it that often.  Anyway they sent me an email yesterday touting their new artificial intelligence program for photos.  So I thought I would try it.  The way that works is you have to upload at least 10 photos of yourself in various angles and their AI program generates images of you from different eras and themes.

So the guidelines were to load three or four each (but more is better) of the following photos of yourself: full body, close-up (waist up), closer up (headshot), and profile.  Well, I didn't really have any profiles.  But I had the other three.  When I did it yesterday I loaded 20 photos.  All from the same file when I lived in Los Angeles.  Then today I did it again and loaded 33 photos from different files but all from my Utah State and CCPM days.

I think the 33 photos results were more accurate in what I actually look like.  But I think some of the first ones I did with 20 photos look better.  :-) So I will post both results on here and you can be the judge.

Some of them look absolutely nothing like me.  As some of them are pretty close to what I look like.  There are 56 different categories, if I counted correctly.  So I'm going to break it up into smaller chunks over several days.  Let me know what you think in the comments.

This was fun and I hope you enjoy the various AI generated images of me.  If you want to do your own, go to myheritage.com and click on AI Time Machine.


16th-Century Royalty (33)

16th-Century Royalty (20)

18th-Century Bride (33)

18th-Century Bride (20)

18th-Century France (20)

18th-Century France (33)

19th-Century Princess (33)

19th-Century Princess (20)

What do you think?  Do any of them look like me?  Next post will be the 1920s.


  1. Some photos look like you and some don’t! Pretty cool though! Can’t wait to see more!

  2. I think the 18th Century Bride lower left is the best resemblance. Wearing a crown *ting* ;)
