Sunday, May 19, 2024

Happy Birthday Mom

Mom died exactly one week before her 77th birthday.  Her mom died when she was 77 and she wanted to make it as long as her mom.  She fell one week short.  But when she got to the Spirit World, I'm sure that didn't matter anymore.  I'm sure she was just happy to not be sick anymore and be with Dad and other loved ones in such a beautiful, peaceful place.  I can't wait to join them!

Today would be Mom's 79th birthday.

Happy birthday to my beautiful mother who is now up in heaven.  She is the best mom ever.  I am so blessed to be her daughter.  I miss you every day Mom!  Can't wait to see you again! Love you, Mom.

That's my two cents.


  1. Happy heavenly birthday Mom 🥰

  2. Miss you Raga. One heck of a mom!! Happy birthday in Heaven.

  3. BEST Mom EVER!!
