Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Sad Day for America

Yesterday was the inauguration of our new president. It was a sad day for America. I did not watch one second of the inauguration hoopla, so I cannot really comment on that circus. But what I would like to comment on is our poor leadership for this wonderful nation in which we live. For any of you wondering how I feel about our new president, go read my post entitled Korihor. I am tired of the lack of morals and conviction and honestly lack of intelligence of those people we've chosen to lead our nation. Every time I turn the news on I hear about corrupt politicians. But what's even worse is the acceptance and lack of emotion by the American people concerning the corruption that is rampant in our politics. I'm very saddened by the majority of Americans who have been blinded by the craftiness of men. It still unbelievable to me that Barack Hussein Obama was elected president of the United States of America.

Despite all of the corruption, amorality, and poor leadership, we still live in the greatest nation on earth. Our country was founded upon correct principles and through divine inspiration. We enjoy many freedoms that most of the world are not privileged to enjoy. Most people in this country are God-fearing Christians, albeit blinded by the craftiness of men. So despite all that is wrong with this nation, let us remember all that is right. God bless America!

That's my two cents.


  1. Amen. America will always be the chosen land and no matter how hard they try, we will not be destroyed!

  2. I couldn't have said it better myself, and God Bless you Tammy for posting an important observation, that evidently the majority of the country can't see.

  3. Hi Tammy! I didn't know you had a blog! I was talking to Juliet today and she told about it - I am going to have some catching up to do! I just wanted to say hi and send my love!
