Monday, April 6, 2015

April 2015 General Conference Quotes

There were so many good quotes during General conference that I wish I could have written them down.  As I told Lisa that she informed me that I could find the quotes with pretty pictures online.  So I happened upon these as I was going through my e-mail -- there was a link on the LDS living.

So I chose a few that I like from those available and pasted them onto my blog.  My favorite quote from the entire conference was this first one I posted.

"God cares a lot more about who we are, and who we are becoming, than about who we once were." -Dale G. Renlund

Another quote which I really liked but didn't see on the list was something to the effect of when physical wounds heal they always leave a scar but when spiritual wounds are healed through repentance-- There is no scar.  I can't remember who said it.  :-(
"Do not make decisions of eternal value from the perspective of mortality." -Kevin W. Pearson

"[Family] is the soure of human happiness." -Boyd K. Packer

"No one is predestined to receive less than all that the father has for his children." -D. Todd Christofferson

"We will not accidentally come to believe in the Savior." -L. Whitney Clayton

"Spiritual food is necessary for spiritual survival." -Dallin H. Oaks

Elder Oaks had some other really great quotes but they don't have the transcripts posted yet.  :-(

If I had to give a summary I would say a lot of talks focused on Family -- I would say that was the number one topic.  Also, strengthening our testimonies and conversion -- trusting what we know to be true and not yielding to doubts. Emphasizing having to work daily on our own conversion to thwart the adversary's daily efforts to bring us down.  And of course, since it was Easter several talks focused on Our Savior.

I always look at general conference to understand what is most troubling in the Church at this time and what we all need to focus on.  Obviously, Satan's attacks on the family have increased or at least become more effective.  And his efforts to distract us from that which is most important appear to be working -- just look at how many people value social media over anything else.  And are, in fact, addicted.  As just one example.

It appears to me that the warning voice is sounding loud and clear that we need to step up our defenses against the evil one both personally and in our families.  To me this means getting our daily spiritual nourishment by way of Scripture study, prayer, uplifting music, videos and talks, etc.

As Satan steps up his efforts, daily spiritual nourishment is becoming increasingly vital to our spiritual progression.  If we are not progressing by working at it every day, we are regressing.  There is no neutral ground.

That's my two cents.

"If you lose the Spirit, you are lost." -Kevin W. Pearson

"No one, at any age, is immune from Satan's influence." -Kevin W. Pearson

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