Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Limbaugh Quote On Sinister Democrat Party

Here is a great explanation of why the Democrat Party favors illegal immigration.  Anyone who listens to or reads Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis already knows this.  But for the rest of you it may be eye-opening.

This is a quote from Rush Limbaugh today:

"RUSH: Well, what’s happening is the Democrat Party is seeking future voters. It’s no more complicated than that. It’s no more complicated than the Democrat Party requires, if they are to win and stay in power, they need a permanent underclass. Folks, stop and think about that for just a second.

"Now, I know that some of you in the audience are liberal Democrats and you’re listening here for whatever reasons, and I know when you hear me say that, you think that I’m just trying to draw attention, that I may be saying something I think is a little extreme just to say it. I want to assure you here that I am not exaggerating at all and I’m not trying to be provocative with that. I’m trying — well, I am being honest, and I’m trying to persuade people that that is who or what the Democrat Party is. Just stop and think of it for a moment.

"We have a political party that essentially seeks, desires, needs people essentially in poverty in order to remain in power. Now, how does a party like that that structures its existence that way, that seeks to maintain power that way, how does a party like that create economic growth, how does a party like that stand behind the concepts of individual liberty and freedom? A party that is threatened by self-reliance, a party that’s future and power base is threatened by people being upwardly mobile and no longer needing as much government.

"Stop and think about it. How in the world can that be advisable? How can that be desirable? How can that be helpful? I mean, even if you think that those people are the most compassionate and the most understanding and they’re fair and they don’t discriminate against gays and lesbians and transgenders and whatever else the social justice warriors care about, throw all that stuff out.

"What in the world is it about a party that recommends itself which needs a permanent underclass in order to win elections and stay in power. And, in order to get that underclass, will do what they can to stymie economic growth, like demanding an increase in the minimum wage, which causes job loss. High unemployment is a favorable circumstance for the Democrat Party. People unable to access health insurance and health care is good policy-wise for the Democrat Party.

"A party that is willing to subvert existing law and allow open borders so that the poor of the world can come here unchallenged and be taken care of by Democrats so that they will be assured to register and vote Democrat, what does it mean for the rest of the country if that is the primary objective of the Democrat Party? I know some of you are saying, “Wait a minute, Rush. There’s a lot of rich people in –” Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s true. And the Democrats take care of their rich.

"They take care of ’em really well. And they make sure that their rich never have to interact with any of these illegal immigrants. Democrat elites don’t live where these people end up living. I think it’s hideous. I think it’s insidious that we have a political party that defines, that needs, for its power and success, a constant group, growing group of people essentially in poverty." --, January 10, 2018

This is also why the Democrats have targeted black people and all poor minorities.  They pretend like they are advocating for them when all they are doing is keeping them suppressed and in poverty.  That is their goal.  Unfortunately most of them fall for it.  The Democrats support them by giving them government assistance and they think it's wonderful.  So they support the Democrat party.  The more people dependent on government, the better it is for the Democrat party.  It's all about power to them. They have no regard for people.  It's all a ploy.  It's all about what's in it for the Democrat party.  So they continue to do everything in their power to keep people suppressed and in poverty.  Very sinister and very sad.

That's my two cents.


  1. The latest quote I saw from Nancy Pelosi said, "We should only do something about illegal aliens when they do something illegal." Here's your sign.
    Brilliant group. (*said with HEAVY sarcasm!)

  2. Agreed! Liberals are idiots and this proves it!
