Sunday, January 21, 2018

I Am a Child of God

Every child blessed to be raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints knows that they are a child of God.  It is a fundamental doctrine taught from the very beginning.

I am very grateful that this is something I have always known. Unfortunately many people have forgotten or don't know this simple fact.
"We live in a world that can cause us to forget who we really are. The more distractions that surround us, the easier it is to treat casually, then ignore, and then forget our connection with God....
"In today’s world, no matter where we live and no matter what our circumstances are, it is essential that our preeminent identity is as a child of God. Knowing that will allow our faith to flourish, will motivate our continual repentance, and will provide the strength to “be steadfast and immovable” throughout our mortal journey."  -- Donald L.Hallstrom, I Am a Child of God, April 2016
Knowing that we are children of a loving Heavenly Father -- children of God -- is core to our existence in mortality.  Without this knowledge my life would be much different.  Knowing that we are children of God brings a level of confidence and security and happiness that cannot be found anywhere else.

No matter what happens in my life, what trials and tragedies I face, I have the sure knowledge that I am a child of God.  This knowledge not only makes life bearable but enjoyable.  I know I can conquer trials and journey through mortality with confidence.  Because I am of Royal birth. I am a literal spirit daughter of God.  I am of infinite worth.

This knowledge is priceless.

Tragically those without the knowledge that they are children of God tend to struggle with self worth.  If you are struggling with your self-esteem, remember who you are.  Remember that you are a child of God and are of infinite worth to Him.  He loves you unconditionally as His child.

I submit to you that the best way to increase your self-esteem and feel good about yourself is to first remember that you are a child of God and second to keep His commandments.

It's a very simple formula yet so many people struggle with self-confidence, anger, and unhappiness simply because they don't know or remember that they are a child of God and they don't keep His commandments.

As Elder Hallstrom said, it is easy to become distracted and forget who we are in today's world.  But if we simply remember our identity as children of God, we will be strengthened in our mortal journey, our self-worth and confidence will increase, and we will be much happier as we navigate through mortality.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, Tam. This was one of the main topics in our Sacrament meeting today. It was an excellent meeting. Heavenly Father knows us each individually. What we often consider "coincidences" are in reality tender mercies, carefully orchestrated by a loving Father in Heaven.
