Saturday, June 13, 2020

Never Meaning No Harm

I'm at a loss for words at the ridiculousness that is going on in our country right now.  There's anarchy going on in Seattle where part of the city has been commandeered by domestic terrorist thugs.  And our coward Governor, Idiot Inslee, claims he has no clue as to what's going on.  Idiot Inslee is nothing but a spineless, yellow bellied, wimpy, treasonous coward bowing to criminals.  He feigns ignorance while allowing the citizens of the state of Washington -- whom he is supposed to represent and protect -- being threatened and attacked by domestic terrorist black lives matter thugs.  And the mayor of Seattle -- Jenny Durkan -- it's just as stupid, if not worse, than Idiot Inslee.  It's embarrassing and shameful to have such evil people running the state of Washington and city of Seattle.  Their two IQs put together don't equal that of a rock.

I'm so sick of everybody -- politicians, athletes, businesses, celebrities (well that's a given), and everyday run-of-the-mill people -- bowing to the domestic terrorist organization, black lives matter and their racist agenda.  It's outrageous.  Seriously, does anybody have a brain anymore to think for themselves?  Everybody is just sheep blindly following the crowd. Led by the media pushing the left liberal Democrat agenda. It's amazing to me how fast people are brainwashed by propaganda.

NASCAR is banning the Confederate flag.  Historical statues are being taken down. Even the Dukes of Hazzard is being banned from sale by Amazon.  How ridiculous is that?  It's insane.  The Dukes' are just good old boys never meaning no harm.  Who, ironically, are fighting corruption in the county government and law enforcement.  The Dukes of Hazzard actually teaches people to do the right thing.  Yet, they are demonized by the left, media, liberals, Democrats because they embrace Southern culture?  They are Southerners, they are proud of their heritage.  They are not racist. It's absurd to label a TV show racist just because their car is named after a Confederate general and has a Confederate flag painted on it. It is sheer lunacy.

To the vast majority of people the Confederate flag represents the South.  Southern pride and heritage.  It has nothing to do with racism. But the Democrat run black lives matter organization wants you to believe it's about racism.  Their objective is to increase racism and division to destroy our wonderful country.  If you believe otherwise, you're a fool.

Gone with the Wind is being removed from streaming services.  I've actually never seen it but I know that it is a classic movie that also happens to be based in the Civil War era southern United States.  It is an historically based Civil War drama.  Yet another example of the left, liberals, Democrats, media controlling people through censorship.

Guess what, people?!  You can't erase history.  Slavery happened.  The Civil War happened.  Lots of bad things happened in history.  Vandalizing and tearing down statues and censoring movies and TV shows does not erase history.  People should try to learn from history instead of trying to erase it.

You wouldn't know it by the media's biased coverage of the black lives matter protests, riots, domestic terrorism etc. but black people weren't the only group treated badly.  History teaches us that Native Americans were also treated badly by the United States government and citizens a couple of centuries ago.  What about them?  Do Native American lives matter?

Also, what about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the religious persecution they faced in this country?  Everywhere they tried to settle, they were run off-- to put it nicely.  Even the governor of Missouri at the time, Lilburn W. Boggs, issued an extermination order on October 27, 1838.  The executive order called for "Mormons" to be exterminated or driven from the state.  Members of the Church were persecuted relentlessly by not only the government but also by the citizens, no matter where they went in this country.  They were actually persecuted so badly that they were driven out West to a desolate desert, in what was then uninhabited territory.  What about their lives?  Do "Mormon" lives matter?

My point is that there are many groups of people who have been treated unfairly and badly throughout the history of this great nation.  Most of us can look at the history of our people and realize that our ancestors were done wrong.  What was done to them was atrocious and disgraceful.  But we can learn from that and move forward.  And yes, even today, it is appalling the way some people are treated.  I, for one and many members of my church still face persecution today.  And it's actually getting worse. But you won't see me nor my church protesting and doing evil things in the name of social justice.  It's just wrong.

Isn't it ironic that the left, liberals, Democrats, media who claim to be so tolerant and advocate for free speech are the ones who are censoring free speech of anyone who doesn't fit their agenda or dares to disagree with them?

The left, liberals, Democrats, media are the most hypocritical, intolerant, evil people around.  They are always angry and miserable -- even when they get what they want.  They are never satisfied.

It's a sad world we live in when Governors, mayors, and any elected officials who are supposed to serve and protect the people -- are actually the ones trying to destroy people's lives and make everybody miserable.  All in the name of control and power.  Very sad.

It is heartbreaking that the left, liberals, Democrats, media are so power-hungry that they brainwash, through propaganda, so many citizens into believing their lies and actually convince them to do their bidding for them.  Thereby increasing racism, division, violence, anger, and misery in those who follow them.  The more sheep they can control, the happier the Democrats are. 

All of these people who bow to the black lives matter movement -- includiing government officials, businesses, celebrities without backbones like Drew Brees who cares more about a paycheck than integrity, organizations like the NFL and their coaches and anyone spineless enough to fall for that Democrat propaganda -- are nothing but foolish, yellow bellied, brainwashed, cowardice sheep following blindly.

It's too bad the left, liberals, Democrats, media are not more like The Dukes Of Hazzard -- Never meaning no harm.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. There is more slavery happening today than any other time- human trafficking. People held captive against their will and treated sub human. Ironically, the first black actress awarded best supporting actor was from the movie Gone With The Wind. Once again, this has nothing to do with honoring black lives. This is leftist plotting, as George Soros said in 2014 "because blacks are the easiest race to control." That statement should tick them off but only those with common sense can clearly see what the left is doing to continually oppress the black race. All those defending BLM are sheep and puppets in the hands of the left. The NFL is stupid. Removing statues and the Confederate flag is stupid. You cant erase history and what they are destroying has nothing to do with racism. They destroyed an Abraham Lincoln statue- one who freed the slaves. They defaced a civil war memorial which consisted of all black soldiers. Yes, idiots with no sense whatsoever. Sick of stupid brainless people.
