Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Rolling Over

I hope the NFL doesn't play this season.  I honestly wish that the NFL would go under.  They are nothing but a bunch of racist, disrespectful thugs, many if not most of the players having criminal records.  Even the players who used to have common sense, such as Drew Brees, are now brainwashed.  Looking at history, many people wondered how Hitler could brainwash so many people so fast. Well, now we see it happening here in the United States right before our eyes.

Everybody seems to be falling for the lies spewed by the media about the black lives matter movement and their racist agenda.  Black lives matter is a Democrat run organization -- if you don't believe me, go to their website and click donate, it will take you to a Democrat party donation page.  Black lives matter is not about social justice or about racist cops.  Black lives matter is a Democrat organization whose goal is to suppress black people into reliance on the Democrat party so they can control them.  Their goal is to increase racism and cause division.

My point is, nobody bothers to know or learn the truth.  They just blindly believe the lies the media (Democrats) spews at them.  It's so frustrating and discouraging to see so many seemingly intelligent people caving to the propaganda and falling for the lies portrayed as "social justice".  It's disgusting and very sad to see.

2 Nephi 28:14
 "... they have all gone astray save it be a few, who are the humble followers of Christ; nevertheless, they are led, that in many instances they do err because they are taught by the precepts of men."
I understand that most of the people err because they are brainwashed by the left.  But nonetheless, they still believe the lies and do the bidding of the Democrat party led black lives matter organization.  It's disgraceful.

Rush Limbaugh made a good point yesterday.  Because the media (left, liberals, Democrats) are now trying to convince people that kneeling during the national anthem is not about the flag.  And they are succeeding.  People are buying it hook line and sinker.

Here's what Rush said:
"I’m hearing NFL players and commentators say that kneeling isn’t about the flag, and they’re admonishing us in very, very, very strong terms. “Don’t make the mistake! You don’t understand what’s going on.

“If you think kneeling, if you think kneeling is about the flag, you are wrong. You don’t even know what this is about.” Okay. Well, if that’s the case, then why are you kneeling? If it’s not about the flag, then why are you kneeling during the anthem when the flag is flying? Why not kneel when the ref blows a call against a black player?

Why not kneel at some other strategic point, stop the game, shut it down? Really. Why kneel during the anthem and during the honoring of the flag if it’s not about that? I know. I’m stirring it up here. But this is a logical question that I have about this. They’re all out there saying, “It ain’t about the flag — and if you think it’s about the flag, you just don’t get it.

“It’s never been about the flag. It’s never been about the country.” Oh, it hasn’t? “That’s right. It’s always been about the racist cops.” No. I’m sorry. It hasn’t always been about just the racist cops....

Kneeling during the anthem, that’s taking a knee on far more than a police issue. Everybody knows it. Symbols mean things. How many people associate a police department with a flag? I never did. I mean, I see the flag all the time. I never once thought, “Wow. I better honor the police department when I saw the flag.”" -- Rush Limbaugh.com, June 15, 2020 
Rush is exactly right.  If it's not about the flag, why kneel during the anthem?  The flag does not represent the police department.  Nor does it represent racism.  It represents freedom and liberty and all of the people who have fought for and died defending those freedoms and liberties.

So, yes, kneeling during the national anthem is spitting upon the grave of my father, grandfathers, other ancestors and fellow Americans who have sacrificed to defend this country and our freedoms.

When that traitor, Colin Kaepernick, started disrespecting him and our country by kneeling during the national anthem, my dad renounced the National Football League and didn't watch any more games.  I guarantee you he is rolling over in his grave at what is happening now.

Don't fall for the lies that the media spews.  Kneeling during the national anthem is not just disrespectful, it is downright treasonous.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely SPOT ON!
    I don't take kindly to people disrespecting the sacrifices of my father, grandfathers, ancestors and fellow Americans.
