Monday, June 8, 2020

Three Articles Worth Reading

These are three slightly condensed articles I've read recently that really hit the nail on the head about Black Lives Matter and defunding police.  I removed a few parts of the articles to try to shorten them a little bit.  These are well-written and the three various authors make many good points.  Enjoy!

June 7, 2020
Why we are being besieged by emails from businesses and organizations bragging about their support for Black Lives Matter/Antifa
By Patricia McCarthy

"...Black Lives Matter, as Tucker Carlson so aptly pointed out, is a cult, a new religion for those who virtue-signal because they crave to be seen as woke.  It’s all pathetic, a sad commentary on the lack of moral and intellectual stamina of far too many Americans. 

It is one thing to see obviously brainwashed young people fall for every lie academia and the media spew.  It is quite another for people who remember the 1960s and all the stupid riots that have occurred in the intervening years to fall for this elite-orchestrated race manipulation of the mindless indoctrinated masses.  Do the rioters who defaced the statue of Gandhi know who he was? Doubtful. 

The left/media has assiduously ignored the seventeen people who have been killed during the riots.  Countless others have been catastrophically injured.  The media do not mention the fact that eighty-nine police officers have been killed in the line of duty this past year.  Thank-you, President Obama and Black Lives Matter for having declared open season on cops.  Make no mistake; Obama set back race relations fifty years in America and he did it knowingly. 

Fomenting racial strife is part and parcel of the leftist agenda.  ...

Soros, like the Southern Poverty Law Center, is a blight upon this country; both have done terrible damage and intend to continue their campaign to destroy American as founded.  The people funding Black Lives Matter and Antifa with untold millions of dollars are spreading chaos and mayhem.  Far too many businesses and institutions are falling for their obvious manipulation and laughing all the way to the bank. 

Like SPLC, BLM and Antifa have become extraordinarily wealthy thanks to gullible liberals, frightened politicians and hard-core socialists.  Those who donate to these groups have a great deal of blood on their hands and not just from these recent riots.  Their dark arts were present and provocative in Ferguson and Baltimore.  They pay well for violent agitators.  ...

All those people who participated in the rioting and looting across the nation are criminals.  They are violent; they are thieves; they are vandals.  They were not acting out for George Floyd, they were opportunistic plunderers.  If in Los Angeles (like NYC), for example, the police had not been told to back off, millions in damage to small businesses may have been prevented, but Mayor Garcetti, like DeBlasio, is a far-left, incompetent wimp.  A week ago, he was praising the police who provide his security.  This week he called them “killers.” 

He needs to go.  ...

Americans need to embrace law and order, civil society, and peace.  We will never have peace without law and order.  The notion our police should be defunded is the dumbest rallying cry ever to be proposed by mind-numbed radicals.  Even they on occasion need to call 911 like the rest of us.

George Floyd died after abuse by a possibly psychopathic cop who should have been fired years ago, based on his record.  The Democrat machine that runs Minneapolis kept him on despite numerous indications that he was a danger to others.  Culpability lies with the Minneapolis police and local government.  He was charged in a previous shooting but no one in the Minnesota Attorney General’s office bothered to prosecute him or remove him from his job.  It’s no wonder that he presumed himself free to abuse his power. 

But one barbaric cop does not indict the many thousands of cops who keep us safe in every city and town throughout the nation.  That he was white and killed a black man does not indict all white people, but that is exactly what BLM wants us all to think.  It’s a big lie, a very big lie, one the media is thoroughly invested in promoting...

The media is a horribly destructive force in America, and they embrace that role with relish.  ..."

Next article:
June 6, 2020
Black Lives Matter: Nothing but domestic terrorists
By Don Fisher, Jr.

"...The reality is that Black Lives Matter (BLM) intimidates, terrorizes, and uses violence to achieve its goals.  In cities across this country last week, BLM signs and graffiti were front and center, accompanying both the chanted protests and the ensuing arson and looting.  The anarchists shut down freeways, destroyed property, and looted stores.  Rocks, bottles, and other projectiles were thrown at police who attempted to break up the mayhem, and "Black Lives Matter" was spray-painted by the mobs on buildings, sidewalks, signs, and even monuments.  That's how they got their message out.

...This violent, far-left group has been allowed to exist without questioning their acts is because it's a sop to black people from guilt-ridden liberals.  The lying and corrupt news media will pounce on anyone who criticizes BLM because it's an easy way for them to link criticism of a black organization with racism.  BLM is a domestic terrorist group and should be labeled as such by both the left and the right.  That isn't hyperbole; that's a fact, because those people seek to dismantle our system of justice and institute their own, which is stated this way on their website: "We call for a national defunding of police.  We demand investment in our communities and the resources to ensure Black people not only survive, but thrive."  I have no idea what their demand for some vague "resources" may mean, but it's obvious that welfare, job training, housing assistance, free meals at schools, and free medical care aren't enough.  Also on their site, they say that "we disrupt [yes, that's the word they use] the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families[.]"  So, communism then?

Last Friday, May 29, our nation was rocked with protests and ensuing riots that were highly organized as they took place almost simultaneously in the cities of Seattle, New York, Boston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Chicago, Portland, Flagstaff, Salt Lake City, Des Moines, Reno, Detroit, Memphis, Dallas, Houston, Richmond (Va.), Fargo, Oklahoma City, Louisville, Cleveland, Tulsa, Washington, Nashville, Albany, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Atlanta, Denver, Minneapolis, and others with handmade "Black Lives Matter" signs prominent at each protest or riot I saw on TV.  What this suggests is that they were coordinated and executed by BLM in order to shut down and cause chaos in some of America's busiest and most populated cities. ...

BLM claim to want "justice," which is an outright lie.  The last thing these people want is to let any of their pet causes make their way through the American judicial system.  They want special treatment, but more than that, they want mob rule.  ... They call for the police departments of America to be defunded and dismantled.  How will that further the goal of seeking "justice"?  ...

Make no mistake.  This is anarchy by domestic terrorists, and their goal is to tear down the system and possibly this country in order to achieve their stated goals.  If we want to preserve our country in a way that respects law, order, and the best justice system that civilization has developed, we need to oppose Black Lives Matter.  That begins with identifying them as domestic terrorists.  Their  actions have merited nothing less."

Next Article:
June 8, 2020
A Black Responds to Democrats' Insane Vow to Disband Police
By Lloyd Marcus

...Well, I am a black man who has been pulled over by police numerous times in my 70 years.  My first thought was what did I do wrong, not my skin color.  Except for one jerk, every officer was polite and professional.  To the jerk who gave me a ticket, I still say I did come to a complete stop at that stop sign.

Fake news media's campaign to demonize police and Democrats' vow to disband police departments are totally insane.  Can you imagine what gangs such as MS-13 would do to this country without police intervention?  America has over 33,000 gangs with over 1.4 million members.

For decades, Democrats have tried every dirty trick in the book to repeal our Second Amendment right to bear arms.  They claim that you should always call the police rather than defend yourself.  While still insisting that we surrender our guns, Democrats have begun defunding and disbanding police departments.  Antifa has boldly announced that it will begin invading the homes of white Americans.  Without guns or police, what are Americans supposed to use to stop anarchists from robbing, raping, and murdering their families?  Harsh language?

Brother and sister Americans, our greatest enemy is the Democratic Party.

Around 88 years old, my late dad was the pastor of a historic black church in a drug-, crime-, and violence-infested Baltimore neighborhood.  Dad said senior residents complained to him about disrespectful thugs damaging their property and assaulting them.

I feared for Dad.  But once he made up his mind, there was no stopping him.  One evening a week, Dad marched through his church's neighborhood carrying a sign that read, "Stop the Killing!"  Pretty soon, neighbors joined him.  Dad said the one police officer assigned to the neighborhood gave him a high-five of approval.

Why was there only one cop in the neighborhood?  The answer is that Baltimore's Democrat-controlled government believes that arresting black thugs is racist.  Consequently, black residents live in fear and suffer abuse from criminals.  It is all so crazy and frustrating.

People in all seats of authority betray us.  Should we demonize and get rid of all police, clergymen, teachers, doctors, coaches, and so on?

A black college professor buddy said that when he was a high school student, he had a private meeting with his school's black guidance counselor.  The counselor placed his hand on my buddy's thigh, dangling a college scholarship for sexual favors.  My buddy gently rejected his advance.  Should we demonize and remove all guidance counselors?

Folks, ponder this.  One police officer wrongfully killed a black man, which all of America condemned.  The officer is being prosecuted.  And yet, Democrats and fake news media flooded the airwaves with their lie that blacks are being murdered daily by police.  Data confirming that police are the greatest protectors of blacks are ignored.  Cops are far more likely to be killed by a black rather than the other way around. 

Democrats and fake news media absurdly say every white American is responsible for the daily persecution of blacks.

Therefore, Democrat politicians are outrageously physically kneeling in worship to Black Lives Matter, begging forgiveness for being born white.  Antifa thugs are demanding that other whites do the same.  It still blows my mind that public schools, beginning in kindergarten, are allowed to teach white students that they are born racist.  It is no wonder that many Black Lives Matter anarchists are guilt-infected white youths.

...Hang in there, folks.  We must stand together against this evil.  Trust God, and remain firmly seated on the Trump Train.  November is comin'.  Democrats must pay big-time for their horrendous crimes against We the People."

End of articles.

So what's the conclusion of those three articles?  Black Lives Matter is an evil domestic terrorist organization.  Their purpose is to brainwash people into believing that they are a peaceful social justice organization.  When reality is their goal is to increase racial tensions by bullying through domestic terrorism.   How can any sane person think that getting rid of law enforcement is better for society?  That's pure craziness.  What is wrong with everybody?!  Everybody who believes that is brainwashed and madder than hatters.

That's my two cents.

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