Saturday, June 20, 2020

From Within

Rush Limbaugh made several excellent points yesterday.  But I'm going to focus on just one.  A caller called in and was asking Rush about the demise of our country.  Because every great civilization fails eventually.

Here's the quote:
"All this is these people have lost their minds, and they’re going to continue to lose their minds. And the people that voted for Trump are still there. They have not abandoned him no matter what they’re trying to make you think is the case. But your historical perspective is right. Every great nation that we’ve known in the past has met its end, it has transformed into something it wasn’t intended to be. Even the great Roman Empire. So, yeah. But is it imminent within our lifespan? I don’t think so. 
CALLER: Well, I hope you’re right. I mean, when I was on active duty, I always thought that I was gonna make sure that this nation never fell from without. And now it almost looks like we could be falling from within. 
RUSH: Well, you’re right. That is the primary — but, you know, this falling from within is still external. It’s all the result of communist influence — Russia, Soviet Union, ChiCom. I mean, that’s where all this is. We’re up against communism. You can call it Black Lives Matter. You can call it whatever some of their favorite little pet names of their organizations are, Occupy Wall Street. We are up against communism. We’re up against Marxist theory that we are seeing be implemented and approved of and sponsored by a political party, the Democrat Party. 
CALLER: Hm-hm. 
RUSH: And we’re not a communist society yet. The American people are nowhere near majority communist yet." -- Rush, June 19, 2020
That wasn't the entire call.  But that's the excerpt I wanted to share.  So Rush starts off talking about how the liberals have lost their minds.  They have all gone crazy because they can't get rid of Trump.  Russian collusion didn't work.  Impeachment didn't work.  Coronavirus pandemic didn't work.  Now we're on to Black lives matter again.  And it's not going to work either.  But here we are.

These liberal Democrat Black lives matter protesters are clueless.  I've seen a few videos with intelligent black people questioning the brainless protesters.  They just sit there with blank glares on their faces like a deer in the headlights.  They can't believe that black people would be questioning them and schooling them in history and pointing out the Democrats true motives.  They are just sheep doing the bidding of the Democrat party, blindly following the lead of the liberal media intentionally creating racism and hatred.  There are actually many really smart black people who can see right through the Democrat party Black lives matter organization and recognize the damage they are doing to their race.

Just look at the Black Lives Matter organization and the recent explosion of followers due to media coverage.  What good has come of it?  Nothing.  What bad has come of it?  Plenty!  Besides all of the violence through riots, they are trying to erase history and actually dishonor black people by removing their names and images from products.

Aunt Jemima's great grandson is very upset that his grandmother's image and name are being removed from the pancake syrup.  Nancy Green who portrayed aunt Jemima was a real person, a freed slave, who was made wealthy by the opportunity to portray aunt Jemima on pancake mix and syrup.  The aunt Jemima name and likeness have been on syrup and pancake mix for 130 years.  Why take that honor from her and her family?  It's disgraceful.  And yes, it's racist.  Another example of calling evil good and good evil.

There are many more examples of this virtue signaling running rampant.  Removing the likeness of black people from products such as aunt Jemima, uncle Ben, cream of wheat cereal, etc. is dishonoring the black race and their heritage.  They are also doing it to Native Americans.  Land O Lakes butter, Washington Redskins, etc.  Why don't these supposedly enlightened protesters realize the damage they are doing to the very people they are supposedly supporting?  It's really insane.

It all comes down to their hidden agenda -- increase racism and make things worse for black people.  Because right now under President Trump's administration, things have never been better for black people.  Black unemployment is at an all-time low.  Not as many people on welfare.  The communist democrats can't have that.  They need subservience.  The democrats need black people to depend on them.  That's how they've survived for all these years. The communist Democrats desperately need the black vote.

You may be thinking Rush Limbaugh and I are stretching it to call Democrats communists.  It's not a stretch at all.  It's a very accurate description of the Democrat party and their followers.

In 1956 Russia’s Communist leader Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within....”

Those words from a Communist leader during the cold war, have proven prophetic. America is being destroyed from within.  The Democrat party is in bed with communism.  Remember Obama telling Vladimir Putin -- when he didn't know the mic was hot -- that after he is elected he'll be able to make deals with the communist leader?  I do.  That's when he was running against Mitt Romney in 2012.  Hillary and Biden both have ties to Russia.  And of course we know Biden is in cahoots with Communist China.  Just to name a few.

Guess what?!  All those fools joining Black lives matter protests and riots are helping the communists destroy America from within.  Black lives matter is a Communist organization as an arm of the Democrat party.  As I've mentioned many times, Black lives matter was organized to increase racism and divide the country to destroy it.  Their plan appears to be working beautifully for them.  Because there are so many foolish, brainless Americans falling for the lies of Black lives matter being about social justice and racial equality.  The Democrat party and their minions especially the media are very cunning, deception, and persuasive. And millions of people subject themselves to brainwashing every time they watch or listen to mainstream media "news".  It's really just communists/Democrat propaganda.

President Ezra Taft Benson, way back in 1961, warned of the dangers of communism.  Everything he says is frighteningly similar to what's happening in America today.  Here is an excerpt from his talk:
"Where do we stand today? All over the world the light of freedom is being diminished. Across whole continents of the earth freedom is being totally obliterated.
Never in recorded history has any movement spread its power so far and so fast as has socialistic-communism in the last three decades. The facts are not pleasant to review. Communist leaders are jubilant with their success. They are driving freedom back on almost every front.
It is time, therefore, that every American, and especially every member of the priesthood, became informed about the aims, tactics, and schemes of socialistic-communism. This becomes particularly important when it is realized that communism is turning out to be the earthly image of the plan which Satan presented in the pre-existence. The whole program of socialistic- communism is essentially a war against God and the plan of salvation–the very plan which we fought to uphold during “the war in heaven.”
Up to now some members of the Church have stood aloof, feeling that the fight against socialistic-communism is “controversial” and unrelated to the mission of the Church or the work of the Lord. But the President of the Church in our day has made it clear that the fight against atheistic communism is a major challenge to the Church and every member in it.
... The fight against godless communism is a very real part of every man’s duty who holds the priesthood. It is the fight against slavery, immorality, atheism, terrorism, cruelty, barbarism, deceit, and the destruction of human life through a kind of tyranny unsurpassed by anything in human history. Here is a struggle against the evil, satanical priestcraft of Lucifer. Truly it can be called, “a continuation of the war in heaven.”
...Today the devil as a wolf in a supposedly new suit of sheep’s clothing is enticing some men, both in and out of the Church, to parrot his line by advocating planned government guaranteed security programs at the expense of our liberties. Latter-day Saints should be reminded how and why they voted as they did in heaven. If some have decided to change their vote they should repent–throw their support on the side of freedom–and cease promoting this subversion.
When all of the trappings of propaganda and pretense have been pulled aside, the exposed hard-core structure of modern communism is amazingly similar to the ancient Book of Mormon record of secret societies such as the Gadiantons. In the ancient American civilization there was no word which struck greater terror to the hearts of the people than the name of the Gadiantons. It was a secret political party which operated as a murder cult. Its object was to infiltrate legitimate government, plant its officers in high places, and then seize power and live off the spoils appropriated from the people. (It would start out as a small group of “dissenters” and by using secret oaths with the threat of death for defectors it would gradually gain a choke hold on the political and economic life of whole civilizations. )
The object of the Gadiantons, like modern communists, was to destroy the existing government and set up a ruthless criminal dictatorship over the whole land." -- Ezra Taft Benson, Secret Combinations, October 1961 General Conference
This is exactly what's happening today.  Except they don't call it communism.  They disguise it as Democrat party.  Black lives matter.  Occupy Wall Street. Capitol Hill autonomous zone or Capitol Hill occupied protest.  Or any myriad branches they come up with.  But whatever it's called, it's still the same thing -- communism.

Isn't it interesting that a prophet of God warned us of the evils of communism nearly 60 years ago and it describes exactly what's happening now?  The Book of Mormon exactly parallels American politics and society today.   Just replace Gadiantons with Democrats and it will be spot on describing what's happening today.  The similarity is actually quite eerie.

I think we're still at a point where the majority chooses good over evil.  Barely.  I mean, Trump's still in office. Despite the Gadianton's/Democrats best efforts to remove him. But, I fear, we are alarmingly close to tipping the majority to those who choose evil over good.  Just look at all the henchmen doing the bidding of the Communists/Democrats via protesting, rioting, and promoting Black Lives Matter.  Many if not most of these henchmen are bright, educated men and women.

So how do they get brainwashed and fall for the Democrats lies, while others don't?  I think President Benson revealed the answer when he mentioned Communism being godless.  He called it atheistic communism and mentioned that communism is essentially a war against God.

President Benson compared communism to the war in heaven.  Lucifer's plan being basically communism.  Interestingly, I've noticed, that when people turn from God and denounce their religion by embracing atheism, inevitably they turned to liberalism, socialism, communism -- basically the Democrat party.  It's really astonishing to see but very predictable.

So, Khrushchev was right. The evil of communism is destroying America from within without ever having to fire a shot or invade this free land.  Just like the Gadiantons in the Book of Mormon infiltrating the government with small groups of dissenters.  The Democrats have done and are doing the same thing.  With the goal to destroy us from within to set up a ruthless criminal dictatorship over the whole land.  We got a taste of this tyranny during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns.  It's scary how fast the government took complete control of American lives.  We are not in a political or even social conflict.  No, this is a war of good versus evil.

That's my two cents.

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