Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Blatant Propaganda

I don't watch much TV.  Just Jeopardy!,  Wheel of Fortune, and college football.  I've noticed, though, the blatant propaganda being spewed during the commercials.  It's like reading Pravda or watching TV in Communist China or any other communist country.

The government is brainwashing it's citizens using blatant propaganda through television commercials.

One of the commercials is like a power point presentation with cartoony slides stating covid vaccination "facts".

The first "fact" they present is that Covid vaccinations are safe.  Apparently "fact" means blatant lie.  Many people suffer serious side effects and even death from the "vaccine".  I'm not going to bother looking up statistics but, I've heard many stories from people's personal experiences of healthy people getting the jab and then developing serious heart conditions (myocarditis and pericarditis), blood clots resulting in heart attacks and strokes, and other cardiovascular issues, neurological symptoms such as uncontrolled tremors, fertility issues, etc.  These devastating symptoms are occurring in young healthy people after receiving the covid "vaccine".  I don't consider these rare side effects because I know of several people who have developed them.

The second "fact" is that covid "vaccines" are effective.  They may have been somewhat effective against the first few variants.  But the effectiveness is waning rapidly, and will soon be completely ineffective against future variants.  That's the nature of viruses that mutate.  The current omicron variant is being portrayed as much more dangerous than previous variants.  But in reality, the omicron variant, while being more contagious, is much less virulent.  Thereby actually causing less disease, hospitalization, and death.  This is the trend of most viruses that mutate.  They become more contagious but less effective and weaker at causing disease.

The third "fact", if I remember correctly, is that the "vaccine" is free.  Far from it!  Yes, it may be free of charge to get jabbed.  But someone is definitely paying a lot of money to pharmaceutical companies for the "vaccines".  That someone is the government.  But where does the government get the money to pay for it?  From taxpayers!  A lesson to all you liberals without any common sense -- nothing is free in life.  Hard-working taxpayers are paying the bill.  That goes for all government programs.

All three "facts" are actually lies.  The covid "vaccine" is neither safe, effective, nor free.  Blatant propaganda.

Other commercials say "trust the experts".  And they show testimony from various health care workers praising the "vaccine".  As if any run-of-the-mill health care worker-- including doctors -- is an expert in virology, immunology, or even microbiology.  Much less a new virus such as the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.  When my doctor was trying to push the "vaccine" on me and asked if I had any questions, I told him he didn't know the answers to any questions I might have about the "vaccine".  Because nobody knows.  It's too new.  Nobody knows the long-term side effects.  Or short-term for that matter. 

So, to say that we should "trust the experts" is ridiculous.  Because there are no experts.  Maybe the few virologists that have been studying this virus for the past almost 2 years.  But even then, it's not even been two years.

I certainly have no trust in that lying snake in the grass, Anthony Fauci.  He claims to represent science, but all he represents is lies, deception, and tyranny.  Anthony Fauci is the furthest thing from actual science.

And here's the kicker, there's a commercial with a religious representative, a minister or preacher from a Christian denomination.  In the commercial she says that "the Bible doesn't say much about personal freedoms, but it does say a lot about loving our neighbor".  Implying that if we don't get the covid "vaccine" that we are not following the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Because we are not loving and protecting our neighbor.  Hogwash!

First of all, the Scriptures, the Book of Mormon in particular, mention freedom and liberty a lot!  The Scriptures are laden with examples of people fighting for freedoms and liberties.

And second of all, what does loving our neighbors have to do with getting the covid "vaccine"?  After all, vaccines protect the person receiving them, not your neighbor.

I don't think it gets any worse than appealing to people's religious and moral values to spread lies and brainwash people.  It's disgusting.

These are just a few examples of the well oiled propaganda machine brainwashing people to submit to government tyranny.

It astonishes me how fast and easily people fall for propaganda and are brainwashed into submitting to government tyranny.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. It is completely absurd when people imply you don't care about others or "love your neighbor" if you don't get the jab. Like you said, the shot is to protect the person getting it, not their neighbors. Not safe. Not effective. The whole thing is ridiculous.
