Okay, here is part two of My Pack -- Tiger. These photos are a bit out of order, sorry.

Juliet, Lisa, Michael, me and Tiger of course. This picture is proof that we had Tiger in March 1979. I was eight years old. He came to us at 192. We moved to North Orem -- 852, then moved to Salem in the summer of '86. Then back to 192. Full circle. Tiger's life with us began at 192 and ended at 192. That's where Tiger is buried.
Michael first grade, Tiger, Lisa sixth-grade, Juliet fourth-grade. First day of school 1983. I started junior high that year -- seventh grade. Therefore I had already gone to school before this picture was taken.
Michael, Dad, Tiger, Lisa, Juliet. 1983. Carport at 852. Orem, Utah.
Michael and Dad with Tiger in the backyard at 852.
Camping at Payson Lakes. I think it rained the whole time we were there. Tiger enjoyed being out in nature. As is obvious by his mud covered body and smile on his face.
This may be a duplicate. 852
Out of order but another photo at Payson Lakes. You can barely see Tiger as he blends in with the mud.
Tiger in his element. Peering through the slats on the truck. 852.
Very out of character for Juliet. Washing the mud off of Tiger at Payson Lakes. As the firstborn, I must have used my power of persuasion to convince Juliet to do this. :-)
Looking like the animal that he is.
Wearing sunglasses. On a trip somewhere.
Having fun running in the snow.
Salem, Utah 1986. Me with Tiger. Not sure why someone cut my head off. I guess I wasn't supposed to be in the picture. It was all about Tiger.
Playing in the snow. 852
Chewing on deer antlers. 192.
From the rooftop.
It's cute how he uses his arms to hold the antler.
My brother, Michael. A boy and his dog.
Dad, Mom, Tiger front porch at 852. Orem, Utah.
Tiger taking a meatybone from Dad. 852
Tiger following us while I rollerskate and Michael skateboards. Orem Blvd. in Orem Utah. Notice that Tiger is off leash. Tiger was such a good dog. This must've been summer of 1990 because I'm wearing my dorm room T-shirt from freshman year at Utah State University. Also looks like I packed on the freshman 15. :-( I used to love rollerskating so much. Do I look like Cesar with my pack following me? :-)
Blurry, but this is me and Tiger. 192.
Me and Tiger again at 192.
This is the grave marker that Dad made for Tiger. For a while there was a picture of Tiger behind plexiglass above his birth year. Dad was a good artist. He made this out of steel. Indestructible!
Dad was an incredible artist especially using the tools of his trade as a welder. He made this truck with Tiger riding in the back out of steel and hand painted it.
Tiger died July 10, 1991 at the age of approximately 13 years old. Tiger lived up to the old adage of dog being man's best friend. Tiger was my friend, confidant, and companion. He was loyal, trustworthy and gave unconditional love.
Rest in peace, my friend. Till we meet again.
That's my two cents.
I love Tiger. I used to talk to him all the time too. All those rides in the back of the truck- all those runs up Dry Canyon (him chasing a porcupine!!!). Tiger was one of the greatest dogs of all time. You found some great pictures of him.
ReplyDeleteI loved Tiger! I remember getting that mud off of him while camping!