Monday, December 27, 2021

My Pack Through the Years

I have decided to do a new series of blog posts over the next few weeks.  As you know, I have been on a Cesar Millan kick. Cesar is known as "The Dog Whisperer" as he instinctively has a way of understanding and communicating with dogs.

Cesar always talks about being a good pack leader.  If a dog does not have a good pack leader, the dog will take over as pack leader and become unbalanced.  This is the problem with most troubled dogs in America.  Well anywhere really.  But Americans tend to treat their dogs as humans instead of dogs.  And that causes instability in the dog.  Unstable dogs may need to be rehabilitated, but it's the humans who need training.  Humans are the only animals that will follow unstable pack leaders.  Case in point -- just look at our current presidential administration.  It doesn't get more unstable than Joe Biden.  But I digress.

Every human that has a dog needs to be a good calm and assertive pack leader.  Cesar and I are natural born leaders so that's never been a problem for us.  :-) 

Thinking about the various packs I've been in throughout my life, I wanted to do a post about all of the dogs in my packs through the years.  I was going to do one big long post but after trying to organize all the pictures, I realized I need to separate them into each dog in chronological order.

So I'm going to do a post for each dog I've had in my pack throughout the years.  I've spent the last few days finding and organizing all the pictures of my dogs on my computer.  I'm not sure I'll get around to one a day, as it will be a lot of work.  But it should be an interesting series.  I'm still trying to find a few photos, but look forward to my first post in the series in the next few days.

As we all know dogs are man's best friend.  This has certainly been true for me throughout the years.  Always remember to be a calm and assertive pack leader.  Exercise, discipline, affection and rules, boundaries, limitations make for a balanced pack.

That's my two cents.

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