Wednesday, May 4, 2022

He Said, She Said

Now that I know little more about the Johnny Depp defamation trial and heard a little bit of Amber's testimony, I have a little more to say on the subject.

I don't know how much truth is being told, but I suspect that Johnny did at least some of the things that Amber is claiming.  Especially knowing that he was often abusing mind altering substances (drugs and alcohol).  So it's not so cut and dried or one-sided I don't think.  I do find Amber to be somewhat believable.  Although I must keep in mind that she is an actress.  They both lie for a living.  So this case is really a he said, she said.

But I also understand that Johnny is the one who filed the lawsuit, therefore I tend to think that he must believe she defamed him, or else why would he want to air all of his personal dirty laundry?  It also seems rather fishy that Amber's attorneys motioned to dismiss the case yesterday before her testimony or her witnesses had testified.  If she's truly the victim, then why motion to dismiss?  Why wouldn't you want your side heard? And it's eerily creepy that Amber is dressing like Johnny.  Wearing a three-piece pantsuit with a vest just like what he wears to court every day.  And some of the other things she wears copy his ties.  Weird.

As in most cases, I think they are both in the wrong to some degree.  Like I said before, Johnny is no saint by any means.  He's an admitted drug and alcohol abuser.  And now I know that he left his family for this floozy, Amber.  He obviously hasn't lived the cleanest, most moral lifestyle.  But, that doesn't make him an abuser.  He actually comes across as very gentle, kind, and honest.  At least in court.

And Amber comes across as angry and mentally unstable.  Although she does do a good job of acting the part of the victim.  Amber is also a drug user and mentioned her wife during testimony.  So obviously she's got serious issues. Seems like two peas in a pod really.

Obviously they both verbally abused each other.  They are both bucket mouths with severe profanity problems.  And the evidence is clear that Amber physically abused Johnny.  As to Johnny physically or sexually abusing Amber, the jury is still out. 

Basically, they are both scumbags.  But, being a scumbag doesn't make anyone an abuser.  I'm still leaning towards Johnny being falsely accused, but Amber is convincing.

I actually feel really sad for both of them.  Fame and fortune are not all they're cracked up to be.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. One thing is certain, they both have their fair share of issues. But as Elder Patrick Kearon said, "Ultimately, truth will prevail." It may not be at the end of this case- but ultimately TRUTH will prevail in the end. You may lie to a jury, but you can't lie to God.
