Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Little Things

It's the little things in life that seem to affect us the most.  Today I was outside enjoying the beautiful sunshine and all the beautiful surroundings.  I really love where I live.  I love to go outside and admire all of God's creations.

Occasionally I'll see a slug or several on the sidewalks trying to cross to the other side.  Often times they are dead and dried up with a trail of slime behind them.

Today I saw a few dead slugs but as I ventured to the overlook I saw one crossing with a trail of slime behind it.  I wasn't sure if it was dead or alive.  But I went out of my way to avoid running over it.  Which I always do.  I know, most people wouldn't care about slugs.  But they are still God's creatures and I love all of God's creations.

As I made it to my spot on the edge of the overlook I turned around to look at the slug to see if it was alive or dead.  I noticed that his back half was stuck to the concrete, with a trail of slime behind him, but his front half was wiggling around trying to free himself.  I desperately wanted to reach down and free him, but obviously I couldn't.  This made me super sad.  I know, is just a slug.  And most people see them as a nuisance and kill them every chance they get.  But I see it as one of God's creations.

It's little things like this that remind me of my weaknesses and limitations.  Something so little and insignificant can affect the rest of my day.

I couldn't bear to watch the poor little guy struggling.  So I turned around.  A few minutes later I turned to look at him again and he wasn't moving as much.  Then I went down to the dog tree for a a while.  When I came back, his corpse was plastered to the cement.  It made me sad.  I could have saved him.  But I couldn't.  It's these kind of little things that affect our days and our lives.

My little slug friend is now in heaven, but my day is ruined.  Hopefully tomorrow will bring a happier day.  RIP slug.

That's my two cents.

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