Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Appeal of Johnny Depp

I've written a lot about Johnny Depp's weaknesses and bad choices.  And I would like to end on a positive note, so today I want to share some of Johnny Depp's strengths, as I perceive them. 

If you follow my blog, you know I've been on a Johnny Depp kick since the trial.  I went from knowing nothing about the man to knowing more than I ever wanted to know about him.  Not only have I watched most, if not all, of his testimony at the trial, but I've also watched several interviews from throughout his career.  I have watched "The Lone Ranger" and most of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series recently.  I don't think I'll be able to see any more of his films though because the content is not in accordance with my standards.  I'm not much of a movie person anyway.  He doesn't even watch his own movies, so I guess I'm in good company.

Not knowing anything about Johnny Depp, I went into watching the trial with complete ambivalence and unbiased.  It was fun to get to know him from his childhood on.  I must say I was pleasantly surprised at all of the good character traits that I found in Johnny Depp.  We all know the man isn't a saint – by any stretch of the imagination – but he is a good man with many exemplary qualities.

So I'm going to list the appealing qualities and characteristics that I see in Johnny Depp from what I've learned about him through watching his testimony in the trial and watching several interviews through the years.

1 – Genuine.  Johnny Depp is a genuine guy.  He is real.  He is not plastic.  So many people in Hollywood are plastic.  So many people not in Hollywood are plastic.  But it's more rare to find, in Hollywood, a genuine real person who is himself and doesn't try to be someone he is not.  That is Johnny Depp.  In everything I've seen of him, he is consistent and real.  A genuine guy who is the same person he was before he found fame.  There was a quote from Johnny Depp that said something to the effect of, "Fame doesn't make you who you are, it reveals you."  Johnny didn't let Hollywood change who he is, it revealed a genuine man.

2 – Loving and Caring.  Johnny has a loving, close relationship with his older sister, Christine.  Johnny has always emphasized the importance of family in his life.  Johnny's kids have always been the most important thing in his life.  Johnny also takes time to go to children's hospitals dressed as Capt. Jack Sparrow to bring some joy to sick kids.  He doesn't do it for notoriety, but simply because he loves and cares for others.

3 – Funny and Witty.  Oh man, I had no idea how funny and witty Johnny Depp is.  Several interviews had me in stitches.  I'll try to think of a few examples.  In one interview the interviewer was telling Johnny how cool he always is and asked him how he stays so cool.  His response was, "air conditioning".  Hilarious!  When asked if he had ever been arrested, Johnny told a story about wielding a 4 x 4 plank of wood at some paparazzi and backing them down a hill.  He said the cops were called and he was given a tour of some "custody suites".  When his daughter was 14 he gave an interview and said he was worried about some "greasy little horror" knocking on his door.  During an interview another interviewee came out and everybody stood up and started dancing to the music, except Johnny.  When the host asked Johnny why he wasn't dancing he said it was because he fears dancing.  He said he would rather eat a bag of hair.  :-)  Johnny Depp is very quick-witted and hilarious.

4 – Humble.  When asked in the trial about his donations to charity – or lack thereof – Johnny replied that he doesn't like to attach his name to his donations.  He doesn't want or need the notoriety.  Despite all of his fame, Johnny doesn't seem to have let it get to his head.  He comes across as very humble.  He said he doesn't like to call himself a celebrity or even say the word.  He doesn't like talking about his island or other surreal positions that his fame has bought him.  Johnny Depp just seems like a truly humble man.

5 – Kind and Compassionate.  When his mom was dying, Johnny was there by her side.  Despite his abusive upbringing.  He made sure she had the care she needed.  Johnny will always go sign autographs and visit fans when he can.  He takes the time to give them a hug or say hi.  He always remembers that the fans are his employers and not the studios.  One story I heard was on a movie set one time some kid remarked that he liked his hat.  So Johnny Depp had the hat sent to the kid after filming.  Johnny Depp comes across as a kind and compassionate man.

6 – Polite and Gentlemanly.  During the trial Johnny Depp would always thank the attorneys who brought him paperwork to read – even if he knew it was unfavorable to him.  When his SUV would arrive at court he would get out and then help others out of the vehicle.  When he comes out for an interview he will remain standing until everyone else sits or until he is invited to sit.  Johnny Depp just comes across as a polite gentleman.

7 – Honest and Sincere.  During the trial Johnny Depp had plenty of opportunity to be honest – and he was.  Even when a lot of the evidence against him was very unfavorable – he would own his words and actions.  I was pleasantly surprised to see how honest and sincere Johnny Depp was during the trial.  Even though it was difficult to have to admit to some of the things he has said or done – he even apologized and said he was ashamed of some of the things he said and the language he used in text messages – he still owned it.  Very admirable.  One time he was asked, on the red carpet, what he would like to say to his fans and he said that he was scared, confused, and just wanted to go home.  People thought he was just being funny but, I think he was being honest and sincere.

8 – Truthful.  This kind of goes along with being honest but there is a distinction.  You can honestly believe something that isn't true.  But being truthful requires facts.  In Johnny Depp's defamation trial he spoke the truth.  He truthfully denied the heinous false accusations against him.  In fact, the whole reason he brought the lawsuit against Amber Heard, was for the truth to be told.  There is something powerful about someone sincerely speaking truth.  I felt that in Johnny Depp's testimony.  The truth was palpable as he spoke it when he denied the heinous, cruel, ludicrous, false allegations of domestic abuse and sexual battery that Amber Heard accused him of.  It has been said that truth shall set you free.  Johnny Depp speaking truth certainly freed him from the burden of Amber's false accusations.

9 – Forgiving.  Forgiving others can be one of the hardest things to do.  Especially when you've been hurt so badly by someone. Johnny forgave his abusive mother and bought her a house and made sure she was cared for until she died.  Johnny also forgave his father who left Johnny's mother and the kids when Johnny was 15.  I believe Johnny has a good relationship with his father now and had a good relationship with his mother before she died. It has been said that to forgive is divine.  If that's the case then perhaps Johnny Depp is more of a saint than anyone realizes.

10 – Laid Back and Calm.  Johnny Depp has a very laid-back, calm, cool demeanor that puts people at ease.  He also has a very soothing voice which is very calming to listen to.  He seriously has the best speaking voice I've ever heard.  Not just his voice but the way that he speaks.  Very calm and pacifying.  I could listen to him talk all day.  Very appealing.

11 – Ruggedly Handsome.  Of course, Johnny Depp is known for his good looks.  He was even voted sexiest man alive by People magazine.  I personally never thought that, but he does have a chiseled masculine face.  Which along with his charismatic personality, makes him very appealing.

12 – Masculine.  This might seem odd, because obviously Johnny Depp is male and therefore masculine.  But, nowadays especially, masculinity is a trait that is harder to find among men.  Johnny Depp seems to embrace his masculinity.  Johnny Depp is willing to stand up for truth – as evidenced by his defamation trial against Amber heard.  In speaking of his incident with the 4 x 4 plank against the paparazzi, he said it had to be done.  It's nice to see Johnny Depp embrace his masculinity in a world where masculinity is increasingly considered toxic.  It's nice to see someone fight for what is right, instead of backing down like a pansy.  As Kenny Rogers said, "Sometimes you have to fight when you're a man".

13 – Respectful.  This when I'm not so sure of, but I did hear Johnny say that once he became a famous actor he didn't go back to pursuing music as a career because he respected it too much to use his fame as an actor to make it in the music industry. 

14 – Generous. Johnny Depp is very generous with his money and time.  He let Amber's family and friends live rent free in his various penthouses and homes for years.  He bought his mom a house.  He paid for nurses to care for her while she was ill before she died.  He visits children's hospitals as Capt. Jack Sparrow.  He donates anonymously to various charities.  Johnny Depp is a generous man.

Johnny Depp has many wonderful qualities, traits, and characteristics.  It's easy to see how so many women find Johnny Depp so appealing and attractive.  And why so many men want to be like him.

Even though I feel bad for invading Johnny Depp's privacy by learning so much about him through his defamation trial, I am glad I got to know him a little bit.  I'm glad Johnny Depp was willing to share his life, perhaps somewhat unwillingly, with the world to stand for truth.  I am happy that truth prevailed.  Thank you Johnny!

That's my two cents.

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