Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Johnny Got Justice

As you know, I've been following the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard defamation trial.  It's been a helpful distraction.  But it's also more than a fluffy Hollywood defamation case.  It's about false accusations, truth, and justice.  And today truth and justice prevailed.  Johnny Depp was awarded $15 million in damages.  Amber Heard was awarded $2 million in damages for something Johnny Depp's attorney said.  But it was definitely a win for Johnny Depp.

I honestly can't fathom how someone could falsely accuse someone of something they didn't do.  It's beyond my comprehension.  But I saw it happen under oath, on the witness stand in court.  Amber Heard blatantly lied time and time again spewing vile, disgusting, very hurtful and damaging false accusations against Johnny Depp.  She was obviously acting as not a tear welled up in her eyes as she was supposedly crying.  It was just bad acting.

For justice to truly be served she should do jail time not only for perjury but also for domestic violence against Johnny Depp.  But I doubt that will happen.  I'm just happy that the jury came back with finding that Amber Heard did defame Johnny Depp.

Amber Heard's words ruined Johnny Depp's life and career for the past six years.  All he wanted was for truth to be known.  Everyone was saying that it didn't matter if Johnny won or lost this case because he already had won in the court of public opinion.  Which he did, but I do think it was important that he won this case in the court of law.

There needs to be consequences and people need to know that you can't just falsely accuse people of heinous acts, ruin their life, and get away with it.

Kudos to the jury in Virginia for doing the right thing.  Kudos to Johnny Depp for standing up for truth, even though he had to bare his shortcomings and parts of his life that are embarrassing and even shameful.  But it was necessary for truth to prevail.  I hope Johnny can get his life in a better place now.  I hope Amber can get the help that she desperately needs.  She's one messed up soul.

Today Johnny got the justice he deserved.

That's my two cents.

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