Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Assassination Attempt on President Trump

President Trump survived an assassination attempt on Saturday, July 13 at a rally in Pennsylvania.  There is no doubt that it was divine intervention that saved his life.  President Trump miraculously turned his head 0.3 seconds before the bullet went through his ear.  A split second and a few millimeters are the difference between President Trump just having a wounded ear or being dead.

I wholeheartedly believe that President Trump is alive today because of the prayers of many Americans.  I am so thankful that his life was spared.  We need him and his fierce leadership to save our country from being destroyed by evil men.

I must say, I wasn't surprised to hear about the assassination attempt on President Trump.  I know how evil the Democrats are in their quest for power.  I don't believe for a second that that 20-year-old kid acted alone.  I guarantee that evil, conspiring men in the upper echelon of the Democrat party are responsible for the assassination attempt on President Trump.

When I heard the news of the assassination attempt on President Trump, I immediately thought of Amalickiah in the Book of Mormon.

Amalickiah was an evil man who wanted to be king and would do anything to become king – including murder.  Amalickiah used flattery to gain the hearts of the people, and get them to follow him.  Then he murdered the king and convinced everyone that the king's servants murdered him.  He pretended to be angry that the king was murdered.  When all along he's the one who murdered him.  Therefore he became king by his fraud and flattering words.

Sound familiar?  Here is a condensed version of the story from The Book of Mormon:

Alma 46

3 Now the leader of those who were wroth against their brethren was a large and a strong man; and his name was Amalickiah.

4 And Amalickiah was desirous to be a king; and those people who were wroth were also desirous that he should be their king; … and they were seeking for power.

5 And they had been led by the flatteries of Amalickiah, that if they would support him and establish him to be their king that he would make them rulers over the people. 

 Alma 47

23 And it came to pass that the king put forth his hand to raise them, as was the custom with the Lamanites, as a token of peace, which custom they had taken from the Nephites.

24 And it came to pass that when he had raised the first from the ground, behold he stabbed the king to the heart; and he fell to the earth.

25 Now the servants of the king fled; and the servants of Amalickiah raised a cry, saying:

26 Behold, the servants of the king have stabbed him to the heart, and he has fallen and they have fled; behold, come and see.

27 And it came to pass that Amalickiah commanded that his armies should march forth and see what had happened to the king; and when they had come to the spot, and found the king lying in his gore, Amalickiah pretended to be wroth, and said: Whosoever loved the king, let him go forth, and pursue his servants that they may be slain.

30 And the army which pursued after them returned, having pursued after them in vain; and thus Amalickiah, by his fraud, gained the hearts of the people.

Sounds just like what just happened to President Trump.  Except President Trump miraculously survived through divine intervention.  Amalickiah epitomizes the Democrats and their evil conspiring thirst for power.  The Democrats already obtained the presidency by fraud in 2020.  And they will do anything to keep that power.  They've already tried using the corrupt judicial system to imprison President Trump.  Now they have advanced to an assassination attempt.  It will be a sheer miracle if President Trump survives through the election and his subsequent presidency.  Democrats are relentless in their evil thirst for power.

But, miracles happen.  God is more powerful than Satan.  He has already preserved President Trump's life through the assassination attempt.  (Which really should have killed him, if you look at the logistics.)  God can continue to protect President Trump and preserve his life, if it be His will.  Please continue to pray for President Trump and for our country and our freedoms.

In the end, good will prevail over evil.  This much we know.

That's my two cents.

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