Sunday, July 28, 2024

Photos from Fifth Annual Myron Hampton Stone Memorial 2 Mile Run

Sorry these photos are in reverse order. 

Aunt Jeanne, Uncle Tim, Lisa, Stephanie, Juliet

Rex, Uncle Tim, Aunt Jeanne

edible gold medals Lisa made for the festivities

All in attendance

women participants

men participants

Top three male finishers
1 – Uncle Tim, 2 – Cade, 3 – Cody

top three female finishers
1 – Juliet, 2 – Savannah, 3 – Brynn

Thanks again to all who came from far and wide and to all who participated in the fifth annual Myron Hampton Stone Memorial 2 mile run this year.  It was a great success and fun was had by all.

Next year's race will be held on Saturday, July 26, 2025.  Same place same time.  Hope to see you there!

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man! It was such a party! Dad would be so happy-- family was always the most important thing to him. It was a blast being able to visit with family, and great for the kids to make so many core memories. Life is short. I'm grateful for this annual event that brings so many loved ones together. Looking forward to next year!!!
