Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day

On this Fourth of July, Independence Day, I would like to express my gratitude for this wonderful nation, and for the freedoms we all enjoy.  I'm so thankful I was blessed to be born in the United States of America – God's promised land.  Even though there are many – including the current presidential administration – doing their all to destroy our freedoms and our great nation, this is still the greatest nation in the world, and God's promised land.

Many men have fought in wars and some have died to preserve our freedoms.  I thank them for their service and sacrifice.  Including my father, grandfathers and other ancestors.

On this day, July 4,  in the year of our Lord 1776, our great nation was born as our founding fathers ratified the Declaration of Independence.  We were free!

Freedom, independence from the rule of monarchs.  This is what our founding fathers, our ancestors so desperately sought.  Freedom and independence – the ability to make our own choices – are central to God's plan of happiness.

I'm so thankful for my freedoms afforded me by this great nation in which I am blessed to live.  I'm thankful for the ability to worship as I please.  I'm thankful for the Constitution of the United States of America and for the rights and freedoms it ensures.

I'm afraid that most people in this country only see the Fourth of July as a day for barbecues and fireworks.  But I wish that we would all reflect on and give thanks for our freedoms and independence. We truly are blessed to live in the promised land with all the freedoms we get to enjoy. Today I'm thankful for inspired founding fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence and for a loving Heavenly Father who has preserved our freedoms in this great nation.

Today I am extra thankful to be free!  What a glorious Independence Day this is!

That's my two cents.

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