Saturday, July 20, 2024

I Like Trump

I hear a lot of people say that they don't like Trump as a person, but they like him politically.  They are going to vote for him but they wouldn't want to hang out with him.  I personally really like Trump as a person.  I love his politics but I also really like him.  I would love to have dinner with him.  I know he would be respectful and it would be a very entertaining and educational experience.

To those who don't like President Trump, you misunderstand him.  Yes, he has made mistakes in his life.  Haven't we all?  But I'm sure he has learned from his mistakes and grown as a person through his life experiences.  As that is what this life is about.  We are all here to learn and grow from our mistakes and experiences in life.  And hopefully become better people in the process.

President Trump is a loving and caring man.  He loves his country and all of us fellow citizens.  That is why he is running for President again, even after all he's been through.  And he has been through much persecution because of his politics and love of country.  He only wants to help save our country from being destroyed and help all of us fellow Americans.

Yes, President Trump is a masculine alpha male.  Isn't that the kind of leader we want?  Even after getting shot, he stood up, fist in the air, and called on us to continue the fight.  That's the kind of leader I want.  Fearless.  Determined.  Courageous.  Confident.  Fierce.

People complain about his "mean tweets".  I love his fierceness.  That's one of the things I really like about him.  And by the way, his tweets are not even mean.  He just speaks truth.  People need to put away their pride and quit being so easily offended.

Some people think President Trump is egotistical and narcissistic.  I disagree.  He may come across as egotistical to some, but I see it as confidence.  An egotistical narcissist would not praise God and give Him credit for saving his life.  President Trump has said several times that the only reason he is here is because of the grace of Almighty God.  Divine intervention.  President Trump knows that God saved his life last Saturday and recognized that publicly several times.  That is something only a humble man would say and do.  Yes, President Trump is humble, not prideful and egotistical.

Like his granddaughter said, President Trump has been put through H.  He doesn't need to run for President again.  He could have a much easier life without the persecution that comes with running for President again.  They tried to ruin him financially.  They tried to put him in jail through bogus charges.  They tried to ruin his reputation.  And they tried to take his life!  But he feels compelled to help save our nation.   And he is willing to continue going through the H that the opposition is putting him through to save our country.  That is selflessness.

If you saw President Trump's speech at the RNC, only five days after being shot, you could feel his love and genuine concern for our country and for all of us.  I don't see how anyone watching that speech could not like the guy.  I find him to be very likable.  I have liked him for years.  After hearing that speech, how could you not want a strong leader like that?  How could you not like him? 

President Donald J. Trump is a great leader and a wonderful person.  He is a loving and caring man.  He is genuine.  He fiercely defends truth.  He is fearless and willing to fight for what's right.  He is a deeply patriotic, selfless man who is willing to sacrifice for the good of the country.  He is willing to suffer persecution, and even take a bullet, to save his country from being destroyed by evil, conniving men.  But most importantly he is a humble man who recognizes God's hand in his life.

What's not to like about him?

That's my two cents.

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