Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Interesting Facts

I was watching the History Channel last night and learned some interesting things I thought I would share.

Niagara Falls chews up 3 feet of rock per year. Therefore, it is receding at a rate of 3 feet per year. It has been receding at this rate for 12,000 years, since it was created. It will take about another 12,000 years of receding at this rate before it chews up the Niagara River and recedes back to Lake Erie. At that point, the Great Lakes will not be.

The lowest land elevation in North America is at the bottom of Lake Superior. Much of Lake Superior is below sea level several hundred feet.

Everybody sees rainbows a little differently. Depending on where your head is in relation to the sun and the rainbow. The formula is: the rainbow is seen at 42° with your head being the apex and the sun and the rainbow creating the angle.

If you see a double rainbow, it is seen at 51° and is always more faded than the first rainbow because it has to refract twice. Also, double rainbows are seen in reverse order. For instance, in a regular rainbow you will see red as the top color and blue as the bottom. A double rainbow is opposite with blue on top and red on bottom.

I wish I could remember more but this will have to suffice. These are some things I didn't know and I thought were interesting. I hope you enjoy reading this and maybe learn a couple things.

That's my two cents.


  1. That is cool about the double rainbow being reverse colors. I will have to pay attention. The only problem is the sun has to come out after the rain, and that is a rare phenomenon here in Western Washington.
