Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Comments and Congratulations

As a blogger, I live for comments. I think I got more than I bargained for on my last post about mutant bulldogs. That was fun. I enjoyed the debate. I thought I would be getting more comments like that on all of my posts. But most people tend to agree with me or keep their mouth shut. If the success or popularity of a blog posting is reflected by the comments made, then my last post was by far the best. Or at least perhaps the most controversial. If anyone reading this blog disagrees with what I say, feel free to leave me a comment. If I don't like it. I can always delete it :-). Hopefully I will be able to continue to voice my opinions, and perhaps stir up a few debates. At the very least, I hope I get people thinking about different topics.

On another subject, I would like to congratulate Juliet and Aaron. Their adoption of Kingston became final today. Congratulations!

That's my two cents.


  1. I think for the most part, if people disagree with something they just remain silent.

  2. I agree with lisa.. unless it is something I feel really strongly about, I don't say much if I disagree... it is fun to witness a debate though..

    I made a comment on a blog once, where I really disagreed, and I know it made the blogger kinda mad..she didn't delete it, but I felt bad afterwards, I didn't mean to make her mad, I just didn't agree with her.. she was talking about toys, and how much she loved to buy her children toys AND organize them.. and my feeling about toys is that kids have way too much, and sometimes they are much more entertained my simple things, like a box, or a ball.. (okay don't judge if you have seen the amount of toys my kids have!)
    anyway.. comments are great though I totally agree!

  3. Please continue to voice those opinions Tammy. They make me rethink my own point of view many times. If not to rethink then just to think about a subject from an entirely differnt point of view. Either way, I welcome your opinions and haven't disagreed with you yet. Keep it up Tam.
