Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy April 3rd!

April 3 has become my day. I don't really know why. Three has always been my favorite number. And I don't really know why I chose April except perhaps because diamond is the birthstone. Or maybe because of its significance in Church history. Or perhaps because it signifies new life. Easter season. I love to see the new blossoms on the trees and spring bulbs popping up. I am not a big fan of winter. I love to see pretty flowers and new growth. And warm weather! At any rate, I have always liked April 3.

April 3, 1836 was the day that Elijah appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple to restore the sealing keys. Moses also appeared to restore the keys of the gathering of Israel. Elias also made an appearance. You can read about it in Doctrine and Covenants Section 110.

Anyway, I would like to wish everyone a happy April 3!


  1. I didn't even see this posting yesterday. The first thing I thought of when I woke up yesterday was, "It's April 3rd, it's Tammy's day."

  2. Happy April 3rd.. a little late! :) hope it was a great day!
