Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tammy's Test Taking Tips

As many of you know, I have always enjoyed formal education -- and have a lot of it.  :-) Therefore, I have taken many tests in my day.  I consider myself to be a good test taker -- I actually consider it one of my many talents.  :-) Some people can sing, some people can dance, some people can paint... I can take tests.  :-)

To toot my own horn a little bit, if I studied with someone and we basically knew the same material -- I would always do better on the test.  :-) It really is a talent.

Anyway not to hide my candle under a bush, so to speak, I decided I would post some test taking strategies on my blog to perhaps help those of you who are test taking challenged.  :-) Or could just use a few tips.  :-)

1 -- When there are time constraints it's always best to go through it quickly and answer everything you know first. Then go back and answer the questions you were uncertain about. Whatever kind of answer sheet you use just make a mark on the side of your answer sheet so you can go back to it later.

2 -- If it's multiple choice and/or true/false never leave anything blank. If you still have several questions and there are only five minutes left -- just go fill-in bubbles randomly. At least you have a 20 to 33% chance of getting it right. Depending on how many questions there are. Actually for true/false it's a 50% chance :-) whereas leaving it blank, you have a 0% chance of getting it right. 

3 -- When you first read a question and read through the answers -- always go with your gut instinct. Usually one or two answers will stand out. Never go back and second-guess yourself unless you are certain the answer you're changing it to is correct. Sometimes you will remember the right answer when you go back but more often than not your gut instinct is right.

4 -- Sometimes the other answers will give you a clue to the correct answer. So if you're not sure, you can make an educated guess by looking for patterns in the available answers. Usually you can eliminate one or two right off the bat. Then make an educated guess. Your percentages of guessing correctly will go up dramatically when you eliminate one or two answers you know are not right and make an educated guess. You might be surprised at how well this strategy works. :-)

5 -- The second time through always put an answer down.  You will at least have an educated guess down. It's better than randomly filling in bubbles. If you're still unsure make another mark on the answer sheet and if there's still time, you can go back later and revisit that question.

6 -- If the test is timed, don't spend too much time on one question. If it's taking too long to try to figure it out just guess and go back later, if there is time. Sometimes you can get caught up on one question and then not have enough time for other questions that you actually know.  Or know better.  Missing one question is better than missing two or three that you actually know because you ran out of time.

7 -- It's okay to be a little nervous before the test but once it starts lose the nerves. I have generally found that concentrating on the test takes care of that. Just remember that once the test starts, the time for preparation is over and you either know it or you don't so there's no sense in stressing over it at that point.  Just do the best you can.

8 -- Eat something before you take the test. If nothing else, eat a Snickers bar or something :-). Your brain will be using a lot of glucose and it helps to have it readily available in the bloodstream :-). Never take a test on an empty stomach.  Studies have shown that you will always fare better if you eat something before taking a test.  Thinking is hard work and your brain needs energy to work.  :-)

9 -- Pray.  Ask the Lord to help you remember the things you have studied and learned.  And to calm your nerves if you're nervous.  Asking for divine assistance is never a bad idea.  He will not bring things to your mind that you have not learned or studied but if you have put forth the effort and studied the material, He will help you bring it to your remembrance if you ask.

10 -- Get a good nights sleep the night before the test.  Do not stay up and cram.  If you need a little extra study before the test, wake up an hour or two early.  The information will be much fresher in your mind.  After a good nights rest, your brain will be much more efficient.  Studies show that those who go to bed and wake up early do much better academically.

11 -- Last of all, Good Luck!  Although with these marvelous test taking strategies I have just given you, you won't need it.  :-)

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. I am the one you are talking about when we both learn the same material and you do well on the test and I do not. :) I am not talented, or even lucky, when it comes to test taking.
    However, I am very well practiced with #9. :)
    I joke about my test taking and grades all the time--I will say, I still made honor roll and dean's list most of the time (except my freshman year at USU when I took 20 credits, rookie mistake). :)
    Good tips. I'll have to remember them. :) I'm glad you are talented in test taking. It would be an awesome talent to have. Chanelle is blessed to be a good test taker. Just look at her football picks. :)
