Monday, January 18, 2016

Church Is a Privilege

A lot of people complain about going to church.  They take for granted the wonderful opportunity it is.  I'm not talking about religious freedom or the right to worship as we wish.  Although that could be another blog post.  :-)

There have been a couple times in my life where I was unable to attend church for several months due to health reasons. During those times I really missed being able to "meet together oft".

I'm not a social butterfly so I didn't miss the social aspect of it.  But I did miss the spirit that is there and the peace it brings to the soul. When you are doing what you're supposed to be doing and are where you are supposed to be, you feel good.

Church is a place where your spirit is rejuvenated for the week and it truly is a privilege to be able to attend every week.  Every time I get to go to church I feel blessed.  And when I don't get to go, I'm sad.

During those times that I was unable to attend church on a weekly basis, I began to really appreciate what a privilege it is to be able to attend church weekly.  I've never believed the old adage that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but -- for me at least -- in this case it's true.

For those of you who dread going to church and think up every excuse not to go-- remember those who can't attend church but would love to.  And maybe you'll begin to see it as the privilege that it is, and not a chore.

That's my two cents.

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