Friday, May 9, 2014

Hilarious Pictures :-)

When I was looking through my pictures yesterday and decided to post my baptism photos, these pictures made me laugh my neck off. so I have decided to post them for you as well. 

you probably won't find them nearly as hilarious as I do.

These are pictures of me with my mom's first cousin, Lenice, who is about a year older than me.

I look thrilled, don't I?

I know I never liked playing with Lenice -- and obviously didn't like getting my picture taken with her either.  :-) this isn't the only picture that shows my disdain.

yet another picture that shows how thrilled I am.

Lenice seems oblivious.

This picture is really over exposed -- I should have tried to Photoshop it but, oh well.

Whoever was taking the pictures probably gave up after three times trying to get me to smile.  I would have none of it. I went out and got ticked! :-)

anyway I thought these pictures were hilariously amusing.  :-)

One thing I remember about Lenice is that we got her hand-me-downs when we were little.  My sisters and I would always look forward to going through the clothes that we got from Lenice because they were always fancy, namebrand clothing that we never could afford.  Hand-me-downs are always fun :-) 

Taking pictures with Lenice, on the other hand, not so much.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious indeed!
    I remember it was fun to get the hand-me-down clothes. However, I also remember how Lenice would always bring friends to the family gatherings and they would always be punky to us.
    One thing we can thank Lenice for is teaching us "Wash the Dishes." Many cousins, nephews, and niece are happy about that. Oh, the memories.
