Monday, January 20, 2014

Mission Memories -- Brooksville -- Sister Beck: Part Three

The Brooksville Relief Society presidency asked Sister Beck and I if we would portray two past Relief Society presidents for their sesquicentennial celebration of the organization of the Relief Society.  So we did.  Reluctantly on my part.  I can't remember who we were portraying.  One of us was Belle Spafford.  That's all I remember.

Sister Beck portraying Belle Spafford, I think
don't I look thrilled?  :-)

Sister Beck was eating it up.
Sister Beck and me with some of the Brooksville ward members at the Relief Society celebration.

some of the ladies making food for the Relief Society party

I don't remember who these people are :-).  I don't have the best memory when it comes to faces and past experiences.  :-(

another self-portrait of myself with Sister Beck

I don't remember this picture.

there are some egrets.  Sister Beck's favorite.  This is a typical trailer park which we tracted a lot in Brooksville.

checking the mail in Brooksville. undoubtedly retrieving a letter from dad :-).  Sometimes I felt bad because I always had letters and my companions didn't always get letters.  :-(

I don't really remember this-- I'm thinking it's probably the courthouse in Brooksville.

okay, these pictures should have been on the previous post, but oh well.  This is Mack, and one of his many pit bulls.

Sister Beck in the background with spuds jumping in the foreground.

more pit bulls.

apparently they used the cat as motivation to make the dogs run on the treadmill.  I don't know who the boy is.

I think this was when we were getting our new Ford Escort!  :-)

this was at RV and Mary's house.  They are investigators that we taught.  RV ended up being baptized, but Mary didn't :-(.  I remember they fed us a few times.

this is RV.  I don't know why I don't have a picture of his baptism.  :-(

RV and Mary called my parents house at Christmas time.  For several years after I returned home from my mission.
RV and his garden.
every weekday (it had something to do with seminary at the church), the Bishop's wife would make us a sack lunch which we would retrieve from the refrigerator in the church kitchen. these next few pictures are of Sister Beck and I eating our sack lunches at the park.  My memory of this is, of all the squirrels that we saw.  :-)

she always wrote missionary lunch on our bags.  :-) As I recall they were always really good!  Unfortunately this is one of the reasons I gained so much weight during my first few months in the field :-( That along with the fact that people would feed us as though we were Elders with a bottomless stomach.

Notice our APG (area planning guide) in the foreground.  We were such hard-working missionaries that even during our lunch break we were working :-)

I'm not sure what I'm doing here :-)

being the obedient sisters that we were, here we are cleaning our car on p-day as we were supposed to do, and did, every week.

I think this was the view outside of our front door in Brooksville.

tracting again

we thought this sign was funny.

typical Brooksville.

Elder Brockbank (in the apron) -- our district leader.  I'm not sure if that is Sister Brockbank next to him or not. Mack is the guy in the white T-shirt next to Elder Brockbank. we never had district meeting with the Brockbank's.  I do remember they were from Bountiful Utah.  I remember riding to
some sort of zone meeting with them, and Sister Brockbank was always yelling at him about his driving.  :-) they served in the neighboring area, Spring Hill.

I don't remember this either.

I think we must have gone to the fair or something.  These were two members of another church that had a booth set up.  We stopped to talk to them and they were very nice to us.  Although they were not interested in our message :-(

okay I think there is one more section with Sister Beck.  It will be all one day.  Her last P-day.  One of the perks of serving in the Florida Tampa Mission was the many theme parks, inside our mission boundaries.  Sister Beck got to go to Disney World on her last P-day -- and I was lucky enough to be her last companion and tag along.  :-)

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