Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hawaii trip-- More Random Pictures

Sadly, this will be the last post of my Hawaii travelogue.  :-(

But it was fun reminiscing.  I mentioned before that it was March 1994 and March 1995 that I was there.  But it may have been March 1995, March 1996.  I'm not sure.  It was definitely 1995, one of the years :-)

anyway, these will be some more random pictures that don't really fit into any category.

The one picture that I remember from these trips is one I cannot actually find.  :-( It is the picture of Juliet and me with a red hibiscus and our hair.  For some reason, that picture is missing.  :-( If we ever do come across it, I'll have to add it later.

of course, we had to make a trip to the mall :-)

every time I told anybody that my sister was going to school in Hawaii.  They inevitably asked, or assumed, that she was going to BYU Hawaii.  I always have to tell them no, she goes to the University of Hawaii in Honolulu.  BYU Hawaii is on the other side of the island, near PCC and the Temple.

I have no idea where this is.  Have we already seen this picture?

I don't know where this is either but this is Juliet.  Apparently, it was a restaurant of some kind.

I don't remember this either :-( can you help me out, Juliet?

wherever it is, it's beautiful.  I'm not too shabby either :-)

Juliet looking good on the trail :-)

Juliet, Noel (Braddah Dole), Tammy
inside Juliet's apartment

of course, what's a trip to Hawaii without a picture with a lei?

Juliet, Aaron, Tammy

was this at the flea market, Juliet?

this must've been another week at church :-)

I believe that's a real flower in my hair.  I think the custom is, if you're single, you wear the flower over your right ear and if you're married, you wear the flower over your left ear.

this must've been when I was leaving, saying goodbye :-(

I must have been real proud of my hard rock purchase :-)

I'm pretty sure this was at the flea market in Honolulu.  Two things I remember about this.  We looked for license plates for dad.  I'm not sure if we bought any or not.  And the other thing I remember about, this was that I bought my wooden elephant here. I love that crazy wooden elephant :-)

and of course the trip would not be complete without a picture of me by my favorite animal, gorilla!  :-)

me and Juliet outside the church in Honolulu.

almost looks like my missionary pictures with Sister Wilson, right? :-)

obviously, a self timer portrait :-)

me in front of what might be a magnolia tree.  Speaking of magnolia trees, they are all over Florida and I used to love to pick the thick spongy petals and draw smiley faces on them :-) when I lived in Florida. 

Juliet at the flea market in Honolulu.

the only reason I know this is Juliet is because of her outfit :-)
this is the only picture I could find with Juliet and I together, that was a full body shot.  I wanted to mention that Juliet and I always joked about sharing a body, because we look so similar.

I think that is somewhat apparent in this picture.  Even though Juliet is wearing shoes that slightly elevate her, our legs are pretty much the same length.  Although Juliet is 3 inches taller than me, it's often difficult to tell us apart in pictures, especially from a distance.  Thus, we always said we shared a body :-)

from the looks of this picture, I think the Oak Ridge Boys were right.  :-) Juliet knows what I'm talking about :-)

I wanted to mention about the dog walking, because I don't have any pictures of it.  But, to earn a little extra money Juliet took on a dog walking job.  So, of course, I went with her to walk the dogs.  They were a bunch of black labs, as I recall.  The funny thing is, Juliet was more scared of the dogs than I was.  :-)

The dogs owner wasn't there so we just went in the backyard and leashed up some dogs and took them running.  It was actually really fun :-) I wish I had some pictures.

anyway, this concludes my Hawaii saga.:-(

I hope you enjoyed the journey :-)

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