Monday, October 17, 2016


The left liberal media never ceases to astound in how they twist everything in their favor. They all know that elections are rigged.  They are the ones doing it!  Good thunder, Hillary Clinton didn't even win the primary election against crazy Bernie.  That's well documented that she rigged it. 

Now they are feigning shock that Donald Trump would have the audacity to claim that elections are rigged.  Here's more proof that they are all in cahoots-- They all said the exact same thing.  You can't tell me that didn't come straight from the Clinton campaign.

From Rush today:
"RUSH: Here's the media's latest effort to poison the water, muddy the water, and keep us in the sewer and the gutter to which they have taken us. We have a montage of Drive-Bys and Democrats reacting to the horrible, the just untenable, the unacceptable allegation that the election is rigged, by Donald Trump. 
BILL MAHER: I read 65% of his followers already believe it is a rigged election. This is dangerous talk. 
TIMOTHY O'BRIEN: It's a destructive and dangerous thing to do, questioning important institutions, and it’s very dangerous. 
RON BROWNSTEIN: Is this wrong? It is dangerous rhetoric.  
RYAN LIZZA: Trump is stirring up some really dangerous ideas in the electorate. 
BRET BAIER: Some people who’d say that the rigged talk is dangerous.

CHRIS STIREWALT: Dangerous energy that is out there when people feel like the system is rigged.

MATT LEWIS: It's very dangerous and irresponsible rhetoric. 
JULIE PACE: Incredibly dangerous.

HALLIE JACKSON: Dangerous to democracy. 
MARTHA RADDATZ: Trump has been ramping up the rhetoric about how the election is rigged. How dangerous is this? 
YAMICHE ALCINDOR: It’s dangerous feeling this election is going to be rigged. 
DAN BALZ: It’s dangerous strategy.

RUSH: Isn't it amazing how every one of them has the same exact take. Well, how about the danger posed to the Constitution by the Democrat Party? They want to take Trump's comment that the election is rigged, and he's talking about the media being unfair, he's talking about 95% of the media being in the tank for the Democrats, he's talking about the powerful rigging things so that they don't lose their power, the powerful do this in every walk of life. He's treating this with the reality he think exists.

They react in mock horror, "Oh my, What's happening to our precious institution?" You people who are destroying institution after institution are worried what Donald Trump is doing when he hasn't done anything. His fingerprints aren't on anything. You've destroyed the health care system. You've got open borders and destroy the very makeup of this country. You want to attack the founding of this country and transform this country into things it was never intended to be. And you say that Trump poses a danger?

Trump is the solution! Somebody like Trump is the solution. Somebody that's gonna put the brakes on the real danger that we are already in. This is incredible to me. (imitating media) "This is dangerous. Why, this is very dangerous. Why, the shocking attack on our institution." Shocking attack? What have you people done to marriage, for crying out loud! What are you doing to religion, for crying out loud! You attack virtually everything that identifies this country in its traditional, founding way. And Trump poses the danger?

The American Republican base isn't falling for this anymore. And as long as Trump keeps punching back, as long as Trump keeps fighting for what they believe, he's gonna continue to get their support. They're not gonna abandon him. And that's what all this is, is an attempt to shame people into abandoning Trump. "Oh, what a danger, why, he's a suggesting a rigged election." The dead elected JFK, for crying out loud, in Chicago and West Virginia. What do you mean, elections aren't rigged? Of course they are!" -- Rush Limbaugh, October 17, 2016
Rush Limbaugh went on to talk about how the Democrats would not give up in recount after recount in Florida trying to get Al Gore elected.  Finally the Supreme Court had to step in and say Florida went above and beyond and it was over.  They just wouldn't accept the will of the people.

Rush also went on to talk about how the Democrats go into slums and get busloads of people to take to the polls, tell them how to vote and take them home.

He also talked about Democrats making it unnecessary to show photo ID when you vote.  Good thunder, you have to show photo ID to pick up your mail at the post office.  But any illegal alien can vote.  Dead people vote. And they all vote Democrat. 

Here's another quote from Rush today: 
"But there's a guy out there with an account on social media. By the way, I need to add social media into this top 1% of deceit, this intricately woven web of deceit, you have the Democrats, Wall Street, media, and social media. I would throw them in. That's the top 1% that everybody needs to be concerned about. There is an account on social media from a guy claiming to work for the post office who is bragging about how he is destroying Trump absentee ballots."
If he were destroying Hillary ballots instead, the media would hunt him down and destroy him.

Fraud, deceit, immorality, lies, these are what make up the core of the Democratic Party and all liberals.  You can bet your bottom dollar that this election will be rigged in their favor.

That's my two cents.


  1. Yes, the election will be rigged. I've said that from day one. That's how Obama got his second term. Like you said, Clinton rigged the election against Bernie Sanders. It is all rigged and there are people who program the machines to throw the election who have already spoken in interviews about it. The crazy thing about this criminal behavior is that we hear about, it is a known fact, and yet NOTHING happens to those who are committing the crimes. It is ridiculous.

  2. Totally agree Tam. It is such a shame. I just watched "Hillary's America" and your post and Rush's comments nailed the crooked democratic party. It goes back to Andrew Jackson, he was a huge scumbag! Woodrow Wilson too! I will lend you the movie this weekend.
