Thursday, October 20, 2016

Today's Limbaugh Quotes

A few of the quotes I liked from Rush Limbaugh today:

RUSH: "Good grief, it's worse than I thought. We are surrounded, totally utterly surrounded by glittering jewels of colossal ignorance and absurdity. It's breathtaking to behold all of this. No, no, no. I'm not talking about Trump. I'm talking about the lockstep that everybody in the media is in. It is stunning! They all might as well be robotic pods being programmed by somebody.

"Every of them has the same reaction to virtually anything in that debate last night that anybody's reacting to. It doesn't matter where you go. You could go to Fox. You could go to CNN. You could go to PMSNBC. You could go to anywhere and the reaction is identical.

"Is there not one human being in journalism today that has an independent thought about anything? Is there not a one of them paying attention to what's actually happening in this country..." -- Rush Limbaugh, October 20, 2016

Another Limbaugh quote from today:

"Here's the irony I was referring to earlier. I haven't heard anybody say this. What are the Democrats saying? You talk to Donna Brazile last night about the emails that prove that she was passing questions on to Hillary. (imitating Brazile) "Those are stolen emails! Those are emails delivered by criminals. I know what it is to be persecuted. I'm a Christian woman. You pick that stuff out of the gutter. I'm not answering it." And virtually every explanation for what we are learning in the WikiLeaks document dump, they don't deny anything.

"What do they say? The Russians are trying to rig our elections. The Democrats are the ones caterwauling and whining and moaning about rigged elections every day. WikiLeaks, the Russians, Mrs. Clinton at the debate last night, "I have never seen anything like this in American politics, where a foreign government is attempting to sabotage our election," dumping on the Russians for what? Trying to rig the election.

"So Trump says, "No. I'm gonna keep my options open. I don't know what's gonna happen." The only sensible answer there is to that question the Democrats, the whole debate, prior to the debate, whining and moaning about rigged elections 'cause the Russians are trying to screw 'em because the Russians are releasing emails that Podesta sent to everybody under the sun, so the Russians are what? Trying to cheat. Who is it that's alleging rigged elections? Who is it that's trying to defuse the truth coming out about them by blaming it on the Russians trying to rig elections? It's our good buddies and good friends the Democrats and their fellows in journalism. I mean, it's breathtaking to behold all of this." -- Rush Limbaugh, October 20, 2016

And another Limbaugh quote today:

"And this is why I am so righteously indignant -- I really am -- over the way they're mischaracterizing Trump's answer to the question when the behavior is already on the books and continues to this day by them. It is all the adjectives you want to come up with, unconscionable, unacceptable, but it frosts me the hypocrisy in unison that everybody in the Washington establishment is acting like Donald Trump poses the greatest threat we ever had to our great democracy.

"These people pose a threat to it. They're trying to transform it, for crying out loud. The modern day Democrat Party is itself trying to unravel and transform the founding of this country. And they are doing it having not been elected to do it. And well over half of the fundamental transformative changes happening in this country are being forced on the American people. They didn't vote for it."
"A bunch of unelected bureaucrats issuing anonymous regulations that are imposing burden after burden on small business and humanity in general and just everyday, ordinary people, impacting their freedoms and reducing them, political correctness is running rampant, people afraid to tell you what they really think about anything, Donald Trump blows it to smithereens, and look what happens when you do. They set out to destroy you. And all the while they get to occupy the perch of cleanliness and purity. They are the protectors. They are the guarantors of all that is precious and virtuous in this country. 
"... They are the exact opposite. These are the people systematically tearing down the traditions and institutions that have defined this country's greatness. And finally, somebody has decided to stand up and fight back against it. And that's not acceptable. So we have to lie about what he says, mischaracterize what he says and start acting like a bunch stuck pigs over it. You would think that Donald Trump had promised to start a civil war last night." -- Rush Limbaugh, October 20, 2016
This pretty much sums it up:
"My patience, I've worn out, folks, trying to be tolerant and understanding. These people are not who they say they are. They are not the way the media portrays them. You can make book on the fact that when they start complaining and whining about something, you can be sure they're the ones who are actually engaging in the activity that they are accusing us of engaging in."  -- Rush Limbaugh, October 20, 2016

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