Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Unparalleled Hypocrisy

The media, democrats, and liberals feigning outrage over immorality is the epitome of hypocrisy.  It is precisely the democrat liberal media who have been promoting immorality since long before I was born.  It's not difficult to see the decline in morality in our society in my short lifetime and in history.  It's no secret that the democratic leftist liberal agenda has been to steadily eat away at morality and the media has been their biggest ally.

Let's just look at the past few years as an example.  A decade or two ago homosexual marriage would have been unthinkable.  Homosexuality was something people kept in the closet.  Now it is something that is not only tolerated and accepted, but it is celebrated. A decade ago transgenders were considered deviants, abnormal.  Now, in the name of equality, full grown men dressed as women are able to go inside women's restrooms and are not considered perverts but are celebrated for being true to who they are.  Stories about live birth babies being born in abortion clinics and slaughtered in cold blood are not even blinked at. Stories about aborted (murdered) babies body parts being sold don't even make the mainstream media news and are left on the cutting room floor or swept under the rug.

Television programming has been in the gutter for a long time.  Even Jeopardy! is now blatantly promoting liberal democrat propaganda.  Yesterday's show had a whole category dedicated to F. Chuck Todd -- one of the most biased liberals masquerading as news media.  And a day or two ago the final Jeopardy answer was Hillary Clinton!  The other day they had a category entitled, "Make America Grate Again"-- it was all about cheese.  Mocking Donald Trump.  This is how bad it's getting.  The media is not even trying to hide their obvious bias anymore.

Most popular music now, including my beloved country music, is now so disgustingly immoral that I cringe when I have to listen to it.  If you want to talk about degrading women, choose any popular rap song and read the lyrics.  It is absolutely disgusting.  Yet the rap artists are celebrated and even worshiped.  Where is the outrage from the media or any liberals?  For the record, I haven't listened to any current music since around the turn of the century.

Movies, books, magazines, all other forms of media are included in their level of moral decline.  Pornography is available at the tip of anyone who owns a stupid cheap machine's (smartphone, tablet, etc.) fingers.  No longer is pornography considered a sexual deviation, something creepy old men sought after in dark corners of questionable bookstores.  Nor is even considered immoral any more.  It is now considered a normal sexual outlet thanks to the liberal agenda of degrading morality in our society.

So when the media and Hillary Clinton pull out of their back pocket a tape of Donald Trump saying disgustingly immoral things -- strategically saved by the way to have maximum effect in destroying his campaign -- and they feign outrage, I see nothing but hypocrisy.  Unparalleled hypocrisy.

Hillary Clinton and her posse of corrupt liberal media celebrate immorality and vulgarity.  None of them have any problem with what Donald Trump said.  The embrace it, they have been infiltrating immorality our into society for decades.  They will do anything to keep their power over the American people. Donald Trump is in their way so they must destroy him.  He's an outsider threatening to overturn the political establishment's apple cart.

I find it very ironic that those who are the most immoral and vulgar are those who are the most "outraged" over Donald Trump's vulgar immoral tape.  Sheer, utter, absolute, pure, unparalleled hypocrisy.

That's my two cents.

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